Base is lvl 20 - and now?

To raise the base was the main goal so far. Everything just as high as needed to level the castle. Now it’s done and everything seems to become a little confusing.

Meat always full, iron full and those new buildings will be done.

Ok, first aim to raise at least 1 tc to 19. Tc 2 and 3 have long queues @11 and the fourth runs @3 now using my several 100s of backies.

2nd goal a forge @19 to produce tornadoes for higher titan hits.

Since my ressources momentarily are more than enough, I know, there will come the day they won’t.

I think food first, ergo the meatmills and my tower to 20.

Do you upped all buildings to full level?

What will be the greatest lack in the near future, except ascension mats…?

What was your strategy after reaching base20 and do you have any tips avoiding faults and stupid idles?

Thx in advance :slightly_smiling_face:

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Tc 20 was high priority for me with a detour for 1 high level forge to get timestop and tornadoes. High level forge is also a great use of excess iron. Tc 19 is a great way of never having enough food :wink: but also fabulous for leveling heroes quickly especially in the beginning when you have a big stock of rugged clothes. I stored recruits in level 11 so upgrading houses to much higher capacity than 100 was low priority for me. 1 high level forge has always been enough for me since I use it based on food/iron stocks so I always have a stockpile of items when I need them.


Priorities (I have VIP Pass):

  • TC20. Today, 20-20-11-11. I’ll keep this way for a few months.
  • Food storage: influences food from hero chests. Today 19-17-16-16. Maxing right now.
  • Forge. Today 16-12-12. Maxing the smaller ones, when I get to 16-16, I’ll max one of them so I can spent excedents of iron in dragons and bomb attacks while the other maxes up.
  • Farms: all maxed up.
  • Mines: all level 13, I haven’t had the need to level them up until now.
  • Iron storage: today 20-19-19-18-18. No need to max them right now.
  • Barracks: level 6; after maxing food storage, I’ll put barracks at level 7 or 8.
  • House: now 15-15-14-14 (206 max capacity). For now, it’s okay.
  • Watchtower: level 10; I’ll max it later (now all the food is for maxing my heroes and troops).
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Just a general suggestion. Try to never have resources go wasting. If you have extra food train more troops, upgrade your mines, build more crafts even though you feel you already have hundreds of them.

One day soon you’ll be lamenting the fact you don’t have any food, or iron, or whatever. Use them while you can!



Intersting strategy leaving out the tower and the mines.

My farms and mines have always been leveled immediately after the base as well as my tower was always in queue with my base but 1 lvl behind. All my recource producing units are @19 already.

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In the end, in the current game structure, you WILL have iron excedents (eventually you’re run out of ingredients to craft items, and the only other practical use of iron is for applying emblems on maxed heroes).

** Maybe these new buildings that are coming up could slightly change the scenario.

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I have a bit of OCD tendencies and hate to see things left undone, so I will get all buildings to level 20 and is essentially racing this progress against new buildings to be released.

As of this writing, I have 8 buildings left to max out.
Level 18 Farm
Level 19 House (currently in progress of being maxed)
Level 13 House x 2
Level 15 Forge
Level 13 Forge
Level 10 Forge
Level 8 Barracks

The rest are maxed already, doing this without VIP Pass. I would say the bottleneck at this particular point in time is actually Iron, because I am constantly having to replenish some of my battle items for Titans, Events, Atlantis Hard, Emblem Quests and most of the ones I use take Iron.


I left my tower at lvl 15 for a long time. Was definitely low priority for me but higher than leveling more than 1 forge

Just spend ‘some’ (huge amount) food to feed my troops and suggest to ban 1* troops from the whole game. :rofl:

As expensive as others and nearly zero effect. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I’ll max the tower only for the food production, but only after maxing my food storage.

Aife need some bodybuilding. Whey protein?

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For me “whatever” is the biggest issue. Which means that with my frequency of farming neither food nor iron are limiting factors in production of something. Main bottle necks are crafting materials and/or recruits.
Say, if you use antidotes frequently, you run out of oil, if you use Time Stops you also run out of oil or dragon bones. If you train troops you lack feeding troops more than food. And so on.

At least for me farming results are more limiting than food or iron.

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I run that formula for about 30 days and then I had to stop one TC20 because I was getting to many heroes worth ascending and had practically no feeder production. So I transferred all queued trainings from one TC20 to another and same for TC11 and start using 1 x TC20, 1 x TC11, and the other two switching between TC 1, 2, 3 and 19 as I had the resources to run them to get the max number of feeders out of them. I maxed Boril in 3 days (I had about 30 idle trainer heroes), Sonya is due sometime this week (close to 3/60), and Scarlet is up next… after that, if I don’t get something better meanwhile, I’ll start another Boril, a second Melendor, a second Li, and so on… My war party is about to get bigger… Also got Kadilen and Horghall but I dont’t think I’ll take them past 2/60, neither of them are worth the tonics, so I won’t waste shields, gloves and compasses on them.


Yeah, I’ll change too.

  • TC20 (1): non-stop training. (also storing food)
  • TC20 (2): TC11 22h + TC19 1h50, wash, rinse, repeat…
  • TC11 (1): non-stop training. (also storing recruits)
  • TC11 (2): TC5-9, according with my immediate needs (currently, ice heroes).