Bane Costume - what's the point?

Hiya :slight_smile:

For me personally, the biggest benefit of the costumes is the Stat Boost. By maxing the costume (even if you don’t use it) you immediately get a 5% boost to attack & defence & Mana Speed and a 10% boost to the hero HP.

Now if we go back to the Bane Costume question just doing a little bit of a comparison…

First comparing the hero stats:
So from a cursory inspection you get what you have highlighted… That the the Costume doesnt make much sense… BUT if we now look at the damage that is inflicted using the special skill:


So as you can see, because Costume Bane has the much higher attack stat, he actually deals both MORE DAMAGE and inflicts a larger Blind…

So overall, I think this well & truly answers your question of “whats the point” because Costume Bane is actually BETTER than normal Bane… both in damage dealt & the accuracy debuff inflicted.

Edit to add some tags:
@Montyville @Peterenp @Srob @LucasDaoc @baga

Edit 2: Link to the source of the “Damage Calculation” I used: