📯 Baldur – Season 3 Hero – 5* Fire/Red: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

I tried pairing him with gazelle but unfortunately her special renders him completely useless outside of insane tile damage (he boosts his hp but doesn’t attack). But maybe that would be a good thing for titans.

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Hah, maybe yeah. It’s not like his little plinker attack is worth much; maybe when he’s fully emblemed? I dunno; he just doesn’t seem to fit well for any useful purpose:

  • Titan offense is out because of his time-delay every tile match.
  • Raid offense is mostly out because of lack of targeting, making him less than useful against the wall, though he might see use anyway because red S1 5* is a barren wasteland. Maybe as a flank killer for going after a green flank?
  • Raid defense maybe? I’m skeptical. He’s not really fast enough for a good wing/sniper; he’s too selfish for flank; his immunity seems too narrow to make for a decent wall. Anyone try him as a wall in raid defense? How’s be perform there?

The only place I can really see him helping out is PvE, and even then not on Challenge Events because, again, time is a factor.


I faced him at +17 and he was garbage so emblems don’t solve for his complete lack of usefulness

So… I ran him farming with Wu and when he actually hit it was decent lol, but sooo many misses. Makes me think he could be decent in a 3/2 stack with either miki or Tarlak. Not that I have either of those :joy:

Unfortunately, his extra “every turn” attack counts as a special and is not buffed by either Tarlak or Miki. Below are some screenshots showing his damage with Miki and Tarlak buffs.

Damage Unbuffed:

Damage Miki Buff:

Damage Tarlak Buff:

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Uuugggggh. So lame. :joy:

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Baldur +15 on defense, see how he performs

for me he is meh


Wow, he really is absolute garbage. :frowning:

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He is like mosquitoes.

Personally I think Baldur should do damage according to his HP, their’s a number of games out there with heroes who do damage according to their HP, rather than their attack, I think that would work for him, what do you guys think about that


After using him for a few weeks now, trying to find a way to make him useful, I can say without reservation that he is hands down, no contest the WORST legendary in the game.

If you gave me a chance to swap him with ANY other hero, I would take it. I would rather have Margaret or Thorne.

Hell it’s not even an exaggeration to say that there are several 3* heroes that are more useful

While I wont argue with your statement, I would just offer extra thought.

Even though, on his own, he is one of the worst champions, he is one of the best users of buffs and debuffs.

Wukong - Baldur strikes twice EACH ROUND
Defense down - Baldur strikes twice EACH ROUND
Attack buff - He basically uses double bonus of attack

He gets alot stronger with correct team setup and he is really hard to take down.

I would love to see a setup : Guardian gazelle (attack up), Baldur, Kunchen (deff down), Baldur, Guardian Falcon (red def down)

And that’s why it takes a year for SG to buff a heroe… we always look for theoretical ways to use them, while we all know no one would max 2 Baldurs and having sucha line up requires a lot of $$$ :slight_smile: I am sure thous who spend so much, would rather have 2 GMs in his position :slight_smile:

Sure but you’re just building around his uselessness, and if you swap in an actual good hero, or even average, the team will be infinitely better, he’s still the weak link even when fully supported.

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I can’t say that Baldur is great, but I’ve used him a few times in war with success. Once he gets his special off, he keeps smacking the opponents until I win. And once I had 3 heroes ready to launch their special when my opponent had Li Xiu go off. That was perfect.

I think with a small buff, Baldur be very useful. Increase his hits to ~150% and I think he’d be a beast. Alternatively, a switch to blocking all negative mana effects for him and nearby allies would also work.

20 laughs :smiley:

Where do you guys come from? Does SG pay you to support their horrible ideas? :smiley: I really don’t want to be rude, it’s enough negativity in forum already, but seriously…

I like the overal design of hero, just needs a fine tuning of his stats/ special strenght.

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You’d prefer him over boss wolf, anzogh and Sargasso? Baldur can be extremely good if used in the right team. He’s not only super bulky, he prevents mana reduction (crucial) AND hits non stop. If you get to keep him alive and boost the attack, the whole team benefits from it

Boss Wolf at least can be a decent tank, Anzogh paired with Willbur does great damage and heals, Sargaso does 355% direct dmg and can be useful in field aid wars. What Baldur does is absorb tiles on defense and keeps on sniffing his armpits. On offense he does 5-10% dmg with his skill on random enemy, which is irrelevant since you want to kill the most dangerous heroes asap, speed is the key to the game in meta. Only reason he got released the way he is, is because nobody cared about him in beta, everyone were so into nerf GTV combo that they just let him be… that’s what happens when you release a lot of content with ■■■■ quality just to satisfy the p(l)ayers :slight_smile:


Does anyone have any thought on him on Titans? I have tried it (not final ascension) and although he is quite immortal (especially with Wilbur along) the auto attack damage doesn’t seem to compensate for the lost time of his auto attack. I’m seriously wondering if I should ascend him over 3/70