📯 Baldur – Season 3 Hero – 5* Fire/Red: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

Yes, Baldur will benefit from being paired with a minion summoner. I struggle to choose between Santa and Noor in a vacuum.

Santa is tankier and has the damage, attack down and defense down while Noor’s secret sauce is her anti-minion minions. After Santa fires Baldur hits for much more damage and you take less damage.
Noor has beefiest minions with a good attack stat.

If that were the end of the discussion I would be inclined to tip Santa.

You mentioned the Christmas event, there Noor has the advantage because of the legions of minions the bosses can spam you with in a protracted battle.
If you arrive at the boss stage with Santa charged, apply the debuffs along with a wall of minions on your team from the mob stages, you should sail through smoothly.

You also mentioned you have Freya. She adds significantly to the value of minions as you are aware and Noor’s minions have the attack stat to really benefit as well as being tough enough to stick around to do damage.

With C-Rigard boosting Baldur’s attack he should do reasonable damage. Freya’s boost to the minions and you have a solid DoT coming from your team.

I believe that Santa will help end the battle more quickly than Noor after firing their specials, Noor does a bit more to keep you alive until that point.

Really don’t think you need to use Grimble with Noor, her minions eliminate minions leaving Grimble doing minor damage and hardly any mana boost, she cuts him off at the knees. He would pair decently with Santa.

Your 5th hero slot is flexible. A damage dealer (sniper or hit three) brings good synergies. A debuffer is always nice, if looking at the Christmas event (also Halloween) a second cleanser would be handy. You have a stall team so a mana controller would also have good synergies (Proteus has the poison which blends nicely with you Baldur/minion DoTs).

DEFENSE: Santa is a legit tank and can cause real problems. Baldur and Noor have offered zero resistance when defending (have seen very few). If you plan to use Santa or Noor to defend the Stronghold it should be Santa.

Full disclosure:
Santa, Noor and Baldur are all sitting at 3-70 in my roster, Santa for over two years. I have tested them on maps and in some raids. None of those venues played to the strengths of Noor and Baldur so I have not seen them shine for me (partly my team composition was not optimal and partly b/c facing teams that are mostly +20 is not a good test of heroes at 3-70).

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I hear you. I agree it would be an excellent addition and I would love it.

The logic works too. Baldur protects his team against mana ailments while his special is in effect so his cutting mana is a reasonable extension to his special.

I don’t expect it to happen but would click my heels together in joy if it did (well, I’d probably just smile broadly, maybe even laugh a little).

One of, if not the best anti tank in the game if that happens. Once he sets up, the tank can forget about firing ever again, well until he has no more boosted health

I play with Baldur, Black Knight and Wilbur.

Wilbur spreads the damage evenly across all enemies, so Baldur’s hits no longer depend on RNG. It doesn’t matter who Baldur hits because it will be delivered to everyone.

Black Knight and Wilbur are very good combo themselves, raising the attack to +145% in 3 turns, especially when enemies have minions.

Baldur hits for ~600 damage per turn under Black Knight and Wilbur on 4500+ heavily emblemed teams. He delivers constant pressure to enemy team while you’re trying to gather enough red tiles to finish them off.


LOL…yeah, let’s make him the best hero in the game!

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Do you mean 1 of the following? Because yeah, if you added all 4 of those he would be over the top insanely OP

It might be a little bit too OP already. basically equivalent to minions that hit regular damage at this point

10% mana cut that is targetable as well. That Baldur will definitely be getting my rings

Two enemies sounds really odd to implement. Personally I think it’s either 1 target or all targets but with lesser damage

I think 165% is more than enough, not complaining about the 210% though. Imo he needs more supportive buffs instead of attacking buffs

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So here’s a vid of a moderately emblemed Baldur +13 on defense

He was hitting for maybe 300 damage per turn. No buffs or debuffs in effect.

Only slightly above 100 on your high def heroes Ariel and heimdall.

I believe the 100 damage hits were his normal slash attacks. The hits from his special have a small text stating “unbreakable brawler” that flashes before the actual hits.

Could’ve been longer but this was my wife’s raid and she got bored waiting. :rofl: I have Baldur at 1-1 and she wanted to show me what he was like post buff.


Rewatched it several times, you are right.

Initial casting brawler goes to lianna with 122 dam only, maybe due to the element link on those greens.
EDIT: but i cannot see the element link, can only be from Kingston (only HOTM there) resulting in +4% mana generation. Is there a bug?

EDIT2: added screenshot of buffs on the beginning

Slash atk goes to ariel with 102 dam

Then lianna is hit without element link with brawler by 302

Then heimdall by slash for 106

Then Magni by 318 with brawler.


The initial brawler hits are doing less damage because of Kingston. At the beginning of the video Baldur has reduced attack. Once that wears off his brawler hits are doing 300 while his slash is doing around 100.


I met a +20 Baldur recently.

Triggered him to see what he could do.

His special hit for about 250/300 damage per round on my heroes. He hit Sif with the riposte in effect and he nullified himself (lost his special because health fell below 100%).

Baldur is the exact opposite of a last ditch/hail Mary hero. The worse your team’s situation the less Baldur helps. He MUST have extra health for his special to remain in effect and it can be dispelled (Error, it cannot be DISPELLED but it can be removed in War by the Equalizer Rule. If you are badly hurt, Baldur does nothing… opposite of Guardian Owl.

If you see Baldur on defense, that is an invitation to take the cups. Do them a favor, take the cups.

Can you please elaborate how Baldur’s special can be dispelled?

My Apologies, I was thinking of this from the thread about the new War Rules:

I will edit above so people are not misled.

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Ah, my wits, I missed that. Solved, thank you

So, I got Baldur from Valhalla, along with Sumle, and I have Khagan - all at 1.01.

I’m thinking Baldur first of those 3. Does that seem sensible?


Here’s newest video of maxed baldur +20

Pretty decent after the buff


It seems that in normal raid, he is not suitable for wing position. Flank is the only position for him. He’s better at the wings for war

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@Guvnor can we have updated Baldur at original post?