Azar’s power vs special skills

Does anyone know how long it takes to get Azar’s special skills leveled? Maybe not so much “how long” but I’ve been upgrading (well trying to) for a long time & she’s yet to upgrade from 6/8 to 7/8. It’s odd because she’s fully leveled except her special skills so when I go to upgrade her I see 1k+ in numbers on the side but nothing else happens & it’s getting frustrating. Could she be stuck? :woman_shrugging:t2:
I’m going to try to add a SS but this is my first time so fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: that it works :joy:

When you go to level her (or any hero) up, you should see a % next to the special skill. That’s the indication of how likely it is a hero will upgrade their skill. It’s a lottery. The most effective leveling technique is to level up with 10 heroes of the same color. If you feed Azar to another Azar, the % chance of a SS upgrade is 25%. Usually you feed 1* and 2* which each add 2% and 4% respectively. So 10 1* feeders is 20% chance

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Just leave her alone for now. A change is likely coming soon that’ll make it much easier to “unstick” a special on an otherwise maxed hero.


Keep duplicates of her too for this change, I think

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Duplicates or not, it’ll still be much easier. (Presuming release of things being tested.)


Cool, good to know. Pays to be friends with beta testers hey lol


Thank you @bcheeze I’ve been doing 9-10 each time & I do see the % chance of leveling the special skills but I’ve been doing this for so long I feel like she’ll never get there. I only use her in wars but I’d love for her to be finished leveling lol
Thank you again, I agree on it being a lottery (being nice here :wink:) :joy:

Or friends of friends, as the case may be. :wink:


Thanks everyone! I don’t have a duplicate of her but if I get one I’ll hang onto it.
Oh yes, I’m happy to befriend beta testers :innocent::joy:


I strongly urge you to stop working on Azar. There is a change in beta that will make it much easier to progress “stuck” heroes like yours. Use your feeders on a new hero until that change goes live.


All the info I read so far on the new class mentions fully maxed heroes, but i always took it as heroes who had gotten to max levels on skills and level ups. However, do you mean they don’t need to be fully maxed on the SS?

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Their SS needs to be maxed too, which is likely one of the reasons that the change making it much easier to max a stuck SS is being tested currently.


Exactly. So just wait until the changes are in, and hold your dupes of “stuck” heroes/


Ok, now i got it!


@Kerridoc thank you, however, how will we know when it’s time to finish them? I believe I actually have 2 that are stuck but can’t recall who the other one is right now.

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All updates have detailed notes:

Sometimes they do stealth updates, but it will be really, really obvious when this update happens on the live server.


Thank you, again, @Kerridoc :blush: I do recall, now, seeing that we’ll have new upcoming things this year. Very excited! Have a good night/day

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