Attack lost because of bug

Hi. My pseudo on the game is ghanima, in the ally Crazy Dinos. It happened about 21h french hour (gmt +1) today.

I was preparing my attack on the present war bug the app crashed. When I got back to the game, I could see my name on the enemy’s place but as a spectator and no way to do the fight.
I then lost the fight with 0 point instead of about 40 points (because it was an easy fight for me). The attack is counted as done. I am afraid it to happen again.

Thanks for reading and react.

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This is normal behavior. Small Giant can’t realistically distinguish between a game crash, your phone losing battery, or you deliberately killing the app.

If you were allowed a redo, people would abuse the mechanic to never lose, get better Titan hits etc.

Did you initiate and complete the attack? or did the app crash before that?

I made a post about the former a couple weeks ago, you’re not alone either as is evident with the amount of replies:

Unfortunately there isn’t anything they can do. All they tell you is to make sure your internet connection is good.

I would also say that if you notice that the game is lagging or not running smoothly, just don’t bother attacking in war. Just restart the app yourself and try again later. I’ve noticed that I’ve ran into these war disconnection or crashing issues when the app starts freezing on my end, e.g. at the summon gate the app takes its sweet time to give me the hero I summoned, then when I tried war it crashed and gave me 0 points.

I got one hit in then it just shut down,

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For new issues, please see: 📵 Disconnected During War Attack /Titan /Network Connection Problem Caused Lost Attack, Flag, and Heroes in AW / Scored 0 Points on War Hit Due to Dropped Server Connection / Game Crashed and I lost my War Hit [MASTER]