Attack Animations No Longer Overlapping Boards - Cheshire Cat

One request I’d make of the devs is, when building new heroes, could you restrict their special animations to the field?

I snagged Cheshire Cat during Wonderland and thought he might be a good “five guy/gal” for my anti-holy Titan team, with his large defense debuff to holy enemies. Unfortunately, the cat’s animation, aside from being extremely long, consumes the whole screen aside from the two outermost rows on the board.

While I appreciate that I can try and play my board anyway while that animation is running, I’ve got enough to think about without 2-3 seconds of “blind time.” It takes him from being a real asset on Titans to, “better get my Tibs leveled fast!”

I find many of the newer heroes a bit OTT on the animations. It’s too much in some cases, compared to the original heroes where it just says the name of the attack. Somewhere in between would be good.

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Almost similar request.

Hi… First npost here…

Not only our skills animation that is The problem, The titan animation sometimes xonsumensomenprecious 2 to 3 seconds becahse whike his castin we cant do anything, will bê realy Nice If it gets a bit short ter or we get some extra seconds depending on what titan wer fighting… But actualy… Will bê Nice being a lento fight untill The titan kills my Last hero insteadnif thi timed fight!!!

I’m OK with the titan animation freezing the battle.

That feels like suitable punishment for missing the weak spot (or intentionally attacking outside of it). I just hate that some heroes perform worse than others because their animation art is way over the top. I mean honestly, after you’ve seen the attack animation 100 times, how exciting is number 101?

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Maybe a possibility to switch off special anis for titans or even globally.

Boring to wait for moms porridge pot 100s of times.