šŸ”± Atomos ā€“ 5* Nature/Green from Season 2

Atomos wouldnā€™t be a bad tank if youā€™re needing a green tank and donā€™t have Telly, Heimdall or Yunan, but isnā€™t famous for that role.

At tank you generally favour survivability, and given his revive, Iā€™d probably go hp>def>atk on emblems

I find atomos a very good tank based on his performance in war and raid defense for me. I have him flanked with Kunchen and Richard, Joon and Marj on the wings. I went defense , attack, health up to +19. At tank he needs the defense but i wanted some extra damage when he fires. Atomos is there to soak up tiles and soften up the enemy.



I donā€™t want to keep bothering you, but would you put up a hero sheet for Atomos? Now that heā€™s buffed, I canā€™t wait to see the stats. :slightly_smiling_face:

I often use him in tank position in my war defense team.

In my opinion, he performs really well as tank.
As for the emblems path, Iā€˜m following hp/def, actually heā€™s got 7 emblems,
Recently Iā€™m pairing him with Ariel and Poseidon so heā€™s getting an extra +10% def due to the family bonus.

Iā€™ve also got Telluria and Vela in my hero rooster and have to admit that in some wars I prefer using Atomos as tank than Telly, especially when we get the attack buff as field aid.

So your ally memberā€™s idea sounds good to me.

Just my two cents. :smiley:

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Hereā€™s mine following defense - attack - health path. Skipped the mana node and took defense instead.

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Thank you @Jamir. I really appreciate it. :slightly_smiling_face:


Are the numbers for Vit and Defense correct? Their paths are exactly the same and so too are their numbers.

yesā€¦ because barbarian and witch talent pathā€¦ if you go to vit or defenseā€¦ you get the same path

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Here is mine. Hp+def. Stronger than ursena when you combine them. Usually attacks 350-450 when mana is full. My goal was for him to survive 3 red tiles.

Rest of my team, troops not so good. Was attacked 49 times last night. Score 29 W -20 L. So i am.happy with them

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I got him :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Okay, Okay,

I have so far:
Lianna, Kadilen
Seshat, Kunchen
Richard, Isarnia
Marjana, Azlar,
Leonidas, Neith, Malosi

I can max Atomos - I have the mats for him. My alliance uses green tanks in wars. So I thought about using him as a tank. To avoid emblem conflicts, this could be imho a good team:

Leonidas Kunchen Atomos Richard Marjana

But somehow I am not yet convinced of his abilities as a tank. But I think he is a better tank than Kadillen.


60-40 % win-loss with this team. Troops not very high.
Go def and life in the emblems.

He hits decent 350-400 and resists well enough at diamond


This is the team i use in war except i have joon instead of leo. All heros at +18 or +19, all with lvl 23 mana troops. I went def > att > health with atomos to give him a bit of extra punch. This team soaks up 2 or more flags more often then it falls to 1. I think that makes him worthwhile if you lack telly or heimy. Not much experience with c-kad tho.

No, Tell, No Yunan, No Heimdall, I havenā€™t c-Kadilen either.

So: My only possibilities right now for a green tank are Kadilen+4 (vanilla), Lianna, an Atomos in progress or an completly ignored Horghallā€¦
Imho, Atomos is the better choice for me right now. Even there is an emblem conflict with Azlar and Malosi

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Sure ! Congrats for your pull. I find Atomos like a kind of Ursena version(without the riposte against the strong colour) but i think that the output damage of Atomos could be something comparable to Ursena tanking.
Much better choice than Lianna , and i dont know about Kadilen but you can test it by yourself.

It probably doesnā€™t help you a lot due to other heroes being so different, but my war defense with Atomos tank has fared pretty well. Ive seen it taking a one shot only about 30-40% of the time.

I think Atomos is a fine tank. And he looks awesome. With some defense down he can hit like an absolute freight train :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s a pretty high DEF lineup; the buff from Kadilen can go one of two ways - overkill and unnecessary or good luck doing anything to this squad. I tend to lean toward the latter. I would say that just because she is ā€œvanillaā€ doesnā€™t make her an incredibly useless card. We all fawn over Lianna, but it doesnā€™t get more ā€œvanillaā€ than her.

I had some serious conflict recently as well with my Atomos. The one gripe I have with him is that his rez can be cleaned off, so he susceptible to quite a few heroes even if his special goes off. Easily attainable heroes like Melendor, Caedmon, Sonya, Sabina and whoooosh like the wind, heā€™s mortal again.

Not bad at all if thatā€™s all you have use it. The blues will at least slow down some red stacks.

Gotta use what you got. Atomos is for sure the better tank out of those imo. Heā€™ll be useful either way.