Atlantis Teams


i am insanely lucky on Atlantis Pulls so I am able to use the family bonus for the teams. I will run those “family teams” in wars, becaus i have absolutly no 30 5 Star bench.

Lagoon Family: Misandra-Tarlak-Wilbur (all maxed) paired with Agwe ( will be leveled soon). I am not sure if gobbler should be in here just for the boni.

Atlantis Family: Proteus, Gadeirus, Triton and Poseidon are the things i have and i think this is pretty decent for the synergie between Triton and Gadeirus.

Sakura Family: Inari, Mitsuko, Kage (yes, i have all of them) the question here is what are the best 4 Star to come up with the manaboost. Sumitomo is in my opinion the best. So it is up between ameonna and danza … Wich one is better and wich colour should be stacked?

So is this overall a good Idea? I have to max out some Heroes, like Agwe or Gobbler which i would not do for there stand alone ability.

I have Gobbler maxed myself. He is very niche for certain quests, being a druid himself he does get to participate in all druid quests so his usefulness has gotten a bit better since classes were introduced. But he’s bad at defending because his ability is only useful against the AI.

You don’t need all 5, I think 2 or 3 (depending on the boost) is sufficient. I think with your heroes, you could pull off Inari, Mitsuko, and Kage in the same team, if you have mana 4* troops to make the mana boost worthwhile. You can also add Tarlak and Misandra so both get an attack boost, this would be pretty deadly with Misandra’s ability since she can hit multiple times.

With the Lagoon and Atlantis family, I was thinking like this:

Tarlak (+3% atk) | Misandra (+3% atk) | Mitsuko (+4% mana) | Inari (+4% mana) | Kagedubaro (+4% mana)

I would run Mitsuko as a tank, since she reduces mana with her skill and her Ice skill reflect would make the opponent think twice on bringing popular offensive heroes in Wars, like Grimm and Magni.

Again though, you need 4* mana troops that are trained to see the mana boost benefits from the Sakura family. That’s the thing with this family boost; with Lagoon and Atlantis you see the boosts right away, but with Sakura you only see the difference once you have the right resources.

If you ever get Ariel, then her and Poseidon would definitely be great to have there too.

Danza for sure. Ameonna is useless except for stacking against holy titans. Danza has 5* potential due to his at least 2 cool specials and his stats.