Atlantis Hard Mode Question – Faster Generic Rainbow Team

I’ve had Triton almost since day one, and I really like having him. The boost he gives your healing is really nice. Plus if I ever get around to having an Atlantis Family team that 20% defense boost will be no joke.

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This is my generic attack team. Although Athena and Delilah are average mana, the L23 mana troops cut them to 9 tiles.

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ok, now i hate @Kerridoc even more


panther, zeline,and delilah?

I don’t bring snipers because i’m more interested in doing wide-area damage against the mobs. Delilah and her minions are truly the best auto-farming addition, as they can pick off mobs hiding on the edges easily.

so, AoE instead of sniping?

Exactly. Though there are not many fast AoE heroes. Hence Zeline.

That’s why Evelyn is basically my MVP, she hits multiple enemies

seems like i cant do better than what i am currently using

Quick question for Ursena though, would Proteus and a riposte bro still be a good idea to bring along? I know if I bring a holy stack, her special reflects holy damage but I do want to do either a 3-1-1, 2-2-1, or a 3-2. Applicable to both normal and hard mode.

This is a choice I wish I had. I’m blessed/cursed with too many snipers/single target heroes :persevere:

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Since S2 18 I use 2 healers just to be safe. On AOE bosses I bring Boril (only riposte dude) an most of the time I play with 2 strong colour vs. the boss

oh and i bring Ranvir (3/70) (my Wu is on 4/40 atm)

Kun - BT/Kiril - Ranvir - XX - XX

blue boss: Boril (4/70+) / Sonya (4/70+) / Grimm (4/70+) (lack of green heroes - Kingston I want you <3 )
red boss: Boril (4/70+) / Sonya (4/70+) / Grimm (4/70+)
green boss: Wilbur (4/70+) / Gormek (4/70+) / Anzogh (soon to be 4/80)
yellow boss: Seshat (3/70) Tibs (4/70+)
purple boss: Onatel (3/70) Wu (4/40)

those are my heroes on rotation. currently at s2 24-2 … will work myself up to Ursena until AR in October so I can spend as much as possible for Kingston.

Ah btw, I am a f2p (3 times vip passes user) player. Had some luck with hotms as u might have noticed.
The key to success is colour stacking in my opinion. It makes a huge difference in dmg. Oh and riposte against those AoE bosses … that’s fun too :slight_smile:

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I’m currently use this team and came upto here.

Oh, so that’s where all the holly 5* went… no wonder I can’t get one… :wink: I’ll trade you a green for a yellow, I have plenty…


I just completed province 20 on S2H, I did a 3/2 stack, my static 2 was Kage, Rigard and Proteus, and my 2 was ether Marjana/BT, Alby/Hansel or Kiril/Magni depending on what color the bosses were and such. It’s hard now though so I’m hesitant to start province 21 until I get a few more of my heroes maxed.

Do I need a 5* healer to help me finish? I’m maxing Ariel, Poseidon and Zimkitha. Also, I have Miki could I bring him instead of Wu Kong?

I do not possess a 5* healer and I finished both modes since the last provinces were released. Depending of the last stage, I brought BT, Kiril or Rigard.

P.S. The most valuable hero for hard mode is Wilbur; if you have him.

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Yes I have Wilbur +14

I’m on province 27 in s2H, need help with a team to take down Ursena…

Hey @LadyAchilles

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