Atlantis farming

Trying to decide which levels to use for the Trick: saving energy wasted due to leveling ( see notes ). I have been using season 2, province 6, stage 9, normal ( s2-6-9-N ) since it gives me 44 recruits per 18 WE ( ~2.44 per 1 WE or ~7.33 per 3 WE ) almost every time.

I don’t really care about XP, food or iron. Farmable 3* ascension items are something I will care about in the future.

Is it worth using some battle items to try finishing 6-6 and 6-10 hard ? Or should I just wait for more provinces to be unlocked ? The Devs seem to be unlocking provinces based on old HotM schedule they have for Atlantis summons,


==Trick- saving energy wasted due to leveling==

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