Athena x Richard x Aegir

O meu time azul atual é : Isarnia Full, Sonia Full, Kiril Full e Grim Full.
Estou com o Aegir 3x70, Athenas 1 x46 e Richard 1 x47.
Por isso, qual dessesdeveria investir para ascender: Aegir, Athenas ou Richard?


Athena is good. I vote for her

Do you like how Grimm works? Athena is a better Grimm, go for her :wink:

A minha dúvida é que estou com dois Heroir com essa mesma habilidade: Grim e Isarnia Full.
Por isso a minha dúvida se invisto na Athena, ou se invisto no Richard que retira ataque do Oponente?
Sobre Aegir tem horas que acho bom, mas twm hora que acho ele é um heroi muito limitado

Aegir is under SGG’s observation for now and it could be buffed but for now he is ood just for attacks.
Richard isn’t a bad hero but he is only average as damage and utility.

Athena could still be your best choice but if you aren’t in dire need of another maxed hero you could just bring them to 3.70 and wait to see how the class system will empower said heroes.

Athena is currently the best blue hero by a large margin.

Athena, without any doubt :wink:

Athena by far.

Upgrade her and never look back.