I normally hate such open ended questions and normally I can figure myself out, but I’m really at a loss. I need to assemble a war defense team with blue tank and have the following heroes that are suited enough for the challenge. Can anyone suggest a combination with good synergy for blue tank war defense?
Krampus, Milena
Arco, Liu Bei, Naddaha
Krampus+Costume bonus, Milena
Sun Quan, Cleaver, Lewana, C. BK
Prof L, Matilda
Rayne, Freya, Hannah
It’s for the current war. I have Skadi as an anti small minion but she’s not suited for the tank spot.
The only concern I have about that minion heavy team is that there’s not much in terms of firepower. Lot of heal but no punch. Or am I missing something?
Yep, this is mostly aimed at survival and draining attacker from minion-killers. Without Minion killers IT is hard to build an active defence for this format. Anyway, horde is a format giving advantage to attacker, so survivability od important.
Maybe you can use Hannah in place of Freya.
How about El Naddaha - Sun Quan - Krampus - Liu Bei - Hannah? I know it’s strange to go double green but you’ll have two W3K heroes if you run it. Your tank also gives minions so it will help your flanks considerably.
If you want to use Skadi on defense, you might want to try El Naddaha - Rayne - Krampus - Lewena - Skadi. I also have a blue tank and I use Skadi as wing because she’s amazing in this format.
Good luck in choosing a defense and good luck in war!
•Milena is like a VF tank that ensures heroes reach their special ability. However, with minion support, Arco healing and minion based counterattacking, it is highly likely that she will be able to obtain her 2nd tier ability and unleash her offensive dominance.
•Matilda with her fiend’s poison followed by and in combination with Sun Quan’s minion’s burn damage, is 579 HP of damage every 3 turns. Add in Matilda’s fiend’s +50% damage from status ailments and you can be looking at 868 HP per enemy hero over three turns.
•Liu Bei it’s probably my favorite right flank in the game as a hard Tri-Target hitter in combination with his counter attacking minion ability which can be incredibly difficult to deal with and even more so in combination with other minions.
•Sun Quan is also a hard-hitting Tri-Target hero whose minions also play an important role in overall team chemistry as stated before.
•Once Arco fires it’s pretty much over at that point because his high HP minions, fiend removal and replacement, in combination with a turn-based overhealing puts him in the perfect supporting role to protect other heroes, give Milena enough protection to reach tier 2 special and while keeping ability based minions safe makes him the idal choice.
Healing, quality damage, huge effect damage, cleansing, dispelling, counter-attack damage, minion and fiend support, This team has it all.
Freya and Rayne can also be used but I don’t like increasing defense with counter-attack so Freya would need a costume to be beneficial and Rayne pairs well with Matilda, but that’s just too many eggs in one basket for me.