Ascending…Alasie or Vela??
I expect folks will want to know a lot more about your current level, alliance, roster and priorities before making a recommendation
Considering they are “balancing” Vela in the upcoming release, I would go for Alaise first
+1 on this
As @sleepyhead said - See: Forum ToS of my reply
Alasie is an excellent Ice Sniper
Vela is an attack all , elemental attack debuff (fire heroes attack lessened), and DoT (damage over time) damage dealer (who as @JonahTheBard stated is under review in beta for balance).
No wrong decision, just depends on what your team needs more single target or multiple target attacker.
My personal preference is sniper over aoe, but it really depends on the rest of your heroes
I’d definitely wait until we see vela’s new stats… and telly’s too tbh.
I haven’t done much with my blue heroes bc of how strong telluria is… I just can’t get through her soon enough unless I have some crazy starting board.
So defensely speaking… if vela doesn’t change much (and telluria is your tank)… I’d go vela…
I do think more info would be beneficial so we can see who the two choices would be working with.
As has already been said, you will need to give more details about your current roster in order to get an informed response from people in the forum.
And in any event, before you use any mats, I would await the outcome of the rebalancing project for V.30 before you decide what to do with Vela and/or Telluria if you have her.
Good luck
I agree with the above couple of posts. Mats are so precious in this game, it is really hard to learn to hold on to them.
If the nerfs go far enough to revert back to the previous meta, then in a vacuum, I would do Alasie. She’s not a bad blue tank! She is awesome sauce on offense, she is a pretty good wing on d.
Vela is the best blue flank in the game. She’s also good on titans. If the meta stays as is, you will probably at some point be joining an alliance with green tanks
But, I think we would need to know what you have, where you are in the game to make a reasonable judgement. As I said above, and I’m sure you know, mats are VERY precious. I am only levelling 3* until this all plays out.
What did you end up choosing?
Well I haven’t ascended neither yet just from all the comments and about the adjustments that were going to be made. My current team is Tank/Telluria Flanks/Kunchen & Hell and Wings/Joon & Misandra. All at 9 or above on talent grid. So Vela or Alasie is the next project just looking for some input now on which one. Thank you
I’d say vela for defense… but that doesn’t give you a lot of firepower. Who do you have in red?
Gravemaker@16, Alzar, Marjaba & Elena 80
Zimkitha, Anzigh and Khagan 70