Asking for a KOREAN hero

Is anyone else amazed by the number of first time posters? Welcome wonderful people.


What point of them do you think like that?
Hope you’re able to know the difference between Korea and China.

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What a great idea!!!


Is there a problem with them saying that? They might have spoken simply because English is difficult. If they spoke Korean, you wouldn’t understand.:slight_smile:

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Not a problem for me.

I am telling a story from hero academy buff request thread. It got closed temporary because influx of new forum members posting that line.

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Yaaaasssssssss…!! It’s about goddamn time Korean culture gets represented in E&P…!! Sure Korea maybe a small country but it’s definitely big enough of a market for SG. And come on, like a lot of the others have mentioned, you’ve got Japanese and Chinese heroes but zero Korean heroes? That’s a huge demographic SG has overlooked. LET’S GET THIS DONE SON!!


On that note wouldnt it make sense to have russian lore? I cant coint how many russian alliances i have come across. Probably the most competitive ones out there

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I think Natalya is Russian.

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She is almost non existent, and although pretty is not very strong… I simply wont rest until i see zangiefs as far as the eye can see!

I think Sonya looks Russian :slight_smile:

Dont normally vote, but have voted for this. My knowledge of Korean mythology ( and far eastern) in general is lacking. If the OP or anyone else could suggest any tales I could read thatd be awesome too, thanks.

In order not to bring this off topic you can send via line.


Current hotm, bae yeong is korean i think based on his name

Welcome new members. Wow, that‘s alot. I face a lot korean users in raids, so why not ?

Only the name. She do not looks russian at all…

Can‘t help myself, but she looks lot alike Vivica :astonished: so, basically you have your special hero.

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Why is that?
She looks like Eastern European to me.

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Natalya is Arkhalla - Queen of Vampires my friend. SGG just don’t drawn her so offensive like the comic caracter or the collector dolls you can buy.


I hope this will be applied very much.

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한국 영웅 꼭 만들어주세요
i love emper


Its Chinese. Panda represent china.


I really love this idea!!!


Sorry even though it looks like Korean name (there are many same names in Asia) but he, BaeYeong is not korean