Ascension materials - An appeal to quit being so stingy with them MASTER

I take it you mean 4* items. This month (July) you can get a tome, darts, D blade and tabbard from the events which are free.

But I agree the chests give dreadful loot

I do not know if it is easier to win items with 5 * when you pay, but, I have won many times with 5 * even from ads …

With the recent time decrease of Mystic vision, your chances of getting a 4* mat from those (small as it may be) had actually doubled. And I personally pulled three 4* mats from those MV with reduced time of 4 hours - namely a tome, dblade and tonic.

There is no easy way to get a 4* mat of course since the developers want to sell you these for $$$. And they do. All of the time. Offers of 4* mats pop up almost every other day.

Still, I made several videos which show that you don’t need to chase 4* mats (or 5* heroes) in order to win anything in E&P. Well, probably the only exception will be top 1 raids, but even that can be achieved probably with tons of Raid flasks. Just be very very quick to take that snapshot…

So you could just be more patient, there are enough free 4* mats during the year. Yes, you probably will not level 10, but rather three 5* heroes.

Amazing…this thread still exists after all this time.

I did what I said I’d do, I quit the game shortly after creating this post. The lack of ascension materials killed it for me. They’ve lost all the money they’d have gained from me pulling for new characters (which would probably be running in the thousands after all this time). Obviously the game is making enough for them to keep it running, but I wonder how much more they’d be making if they better rewarded players for their time investment. I guess we’ll never know but…I think you shot yourselves in the foot, Small Giant, your game could have been a lot bigger. Unfortunate.


Yes this is true, one year back I am waited for months for getting the 3* matt Fine gloves now I am having more than 30

Im on yet another long stretch of not receiving 4* mats from 14* titans, and I have also went 12 elemental chest in a row now without a 4* mat. It amazes me that all SG would have to do to get players like myself to keep spending thousands, is not be so stinking greedy with something that cost them nothing. But for some reason they would rather irritate players with the pathetic drop rates, and lose money, than increase the drop rates and make more money. How idiotic.

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Build Alchemy and produce your own Ascension Mats(Rare or Epic). Then automatically drop rates will increase

I have had alchemy lab maxed and running for months. Besides, that doesnt address the issue with drop rates. I shouldnt go that long without 4* mats from 14* titans or elemental chest.


That’s what I do too. Which ones do u have running? AL 19?

I think the chances of getting Tonics and Rings to ascend 5* heroes are much less than other materials chances to appear such as Tabards, Darts, etc. Would you be able to adjust that please? Thanks

It’s all RNG. I got two rings within a week. Last month, I got 3 darts from RNG

That is incorrect. The one with the least chance of dropping is the one that you want the most


Yup, need 24 scopes. Keep giving me darts and rings

I’m losing interest in the game since I can’t get ascension materials anywhere. It’s been over 2 months since I last got one. I open every chest possible as fast as possible. Normal chests, raid chests, elemental chests, titan war… Nothing. No wonder people quit playing. Where is the reward for playing…?


Like the old saying goes…You’re the product.

Nisi jedini ni ja ne mogu dobit nikakv materijal za dizanje petica a imam ih 14 kom koje stoje na 3/70 a fali najvise damcus blade zadnjeg kojeg sam dobio proslo je mozda vise od 3mjeseca tako da polako nemam vise volje igrat igricu skipam svaki dan skrinje u nadi da cu dobit nesto pa opet nista i samo veliko nista

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Missing materials

I’ve been stuck from Ascending heros due to materials being next to impossible to obtain. A fellow team mate has 7 heros he cannot ascend due to the same issues. Could someone please make it a little more doable. Maybe having these materials be more accessible through titan defeats, Wars, Raids, etc. Materials so far in question…gloves, hidden blades, cloaks. Even having them available to purchase in the shop other than through special feature packages?

Thank you.


@Petri @Staff_SGG

I know you say you have increased the likelihood of getting materials, but I am not seeing it.

Checking my numbers since I started keeping track back in March of 2021, I am averaging about 1.7 Four Star Ascension Materials per month. I understand the probability game, and next month maybe I pull down 4 materials, but largely the average amount holds true and the best months I generally only see 2 and the worst months I see none, despite placing in the Top 1% of tournaments frequently and being diligent in trying to spawn and fill Elemental Chests, and so on.

The War of Three Kingdoms heroes look great, but right now I am honestly debating not spending anything whatsoever on it or any portal going forward, and the only reason I would would be SOLELY ADDICTION and not due to quality game design as it relates to materials and advancing heroes.

Right now I am sitting on:
1 Tabbard with FOUR Dark heroes I want to ascend
4 Darts with FOUR Holy heroes to ascend
6 Telescopes with TWO (and eventually 3 because of Rumpel in SE) Ice heroes to ascend
4 Tonics with THREE Nature heroes to ascend
1 Mystic Ring with FOUR Fire heroes to ascend

It makes little sense to add on any additional heroes at this point because I honestly can’t say when I could possibly level all of them.

These drop rates are ridiculous. The only way to increase the chance is a ridiculous one for 99.9% of the player base. E.g. Top 1000 (if not Top 100) in every event, A or A+ damage for every 13*/14* Titan, an alliance that wins 75%+ of Wars to ensure faster War Chest fill, etc.

I understand the business model and the concept of keeping people in the game longer to increase the likelihood that they spend money, but can we seriously not bump the 4* drop rate to something like 3% in most every place the material would appear? I am not even sure that bump would even truly help, but a solution of some sort needs to happen…

Ole kiltti. Etsi parempi ratkaisu ongelmaan, uskon sinuun!






I don’t need the items to have a higher drop rate personally. I want them to sell me more items because even with a higher drop rate, I have wayyyyyy to many heroes to level. I would still be throttled back hard regardless. I’m actually shocked they aren’t dropping offers more frequently for ascension items. I will buy every one, because the hero is literally worthless if they’re not leveled and at least emblemed to the seventh node.

From a f2p or c2p standpoint I totally get it. I will say the biggest place where ascension items are lacking for me are the tournaments and tower events. I’ve been in top 1% a bunch of times in tourneys. My loot however wasn’t much better than being in the 25% tier. So I don’t rebuy unless I’m below 25% or I just enjoy the tourney.

The tower events are just ridiculous. You have to do those for clout lol. Because the items needed to complete the event is extremely costly. It’s literally cheaper to just buy the emblems. So I will say ultimately, I do get the frustration. If lack of materials effect their bottom line, it will change. Otherwise I suppose we can all dream lol. Cheers!

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Taxa de aparição de heróis um lixo, espolios um lixo, além disso fica claro que tem gente que é beneficiada enquanto outros são incrivelmente ignorados. Não são mesquinhas, são covardes e querem lucro!!!

Hero spawn rate is rubbish, loot is rubbish, plus it’s clear that there are people who benefit while others are incredibly ignored. They are not petty, they are cowards and they want profit!!!