HAHA! what is yr thought? Buddy has weak tile dmg if im not wrong. but hes very tanky. but reducing armor with the tile dmg ought to balance it. then LJ has this reduce mana regen which really helped me so much especially on knights of avalon event
I’ll let others respond first, because my use of Buddy will be a bit different to yours in the short term (identical within a few months though I’m guessing).
You have beautifully expressed a common E&P dilemma: “But they are both great for different reasons!”
If you’re struggling with events or rare quests, then you should still consider Little John, his debuff is incredibly helpful for all these difficult boss battles. And it is very important that you build a team able to complete these and get the rewards. Little John was my first green 4* and he was the reason why I was able to really set off with the ascension items from events, he makes them very easy to complete.
Seeing that you are a F2P player and with a lot of progression ahead of you, it might be better to build a versatile team. Buddy is definitely one of the best 4* heroes, that’s true, but you already have the defense down debuff in Grimm. LJ offers you something different.
i completed legendary tier with rainbow team grim, chao, cyprian, bt, LJ (only axes and 3 slots of mana potion)
Yes, i wasnt supposed to bring Grim because ice is reflected, but i need his special -def. I think buddy will be better choice, so in future per se, in this kind of situation, i can bring both buddy and LJ without needing of Grim.