I have the materials for green four * but don’t really like my hero, Kashhek. Have tried for better several times in Elementals but only got threes. Would you ascend anyway, or wait for a better green?
Wait for Gandalf or Caedmon.
As a caveat, let me clairfy, which ascension are we talking about? Their first? or second?
Thanks,I’ll wait – Second ascension
If its the ascension where you need shields, hold off for a better hero.
If its the one with Tall boots, ascend the hell out of him. All those materials ar farmable on the map.
I have the shields, hence the question
I am on the crossroads. Have materials to fully ascend one green 4*, both Caedmon and Melendor are waiting for it. Who would you choose? I have good healer in Boldtusk and have other healing options.
I would choose Caedmon for sure, but I like offensive dispellers
But it depends on your other heros aswell.
Sometimes a strong secondary healer is better
Definitely Caedmon. Even a 2^ Melendor is useful for late province farming, but Caedmon is very very common in high end raid teams.
Thanks, i will do it.