I’m at the point where I can ascend a Dark/purple, Ice/blue, and Nature/green 5* hero to max level. I also have the mats for a Holy 5*, but no 5*. That being said, I’d like some advice on who I should ascend and who I should leave at 3/70.
I currently have the following 5*s:
Purple - Sartana, Victor, Kunchen
Blue - Frida
Green - Evelyn
Red - Zimkitha, Marjana
My plan was to go with Sartana/Frida/Evelyn/Zimkitha, but that doesn’t leave me with a true tank. My only “real” tank is Kunchen.
For 4* here is what I have (* = maxed)
Purple - Rigard*, Sabina, Cyprian
Blue - Sonya*, Agwe, Kiril
Green - Melendor*, Hansel*, Skittleskull, Gadierius
Red - Boldtusk*, Wilbur*, Scarlett
Yellow - Wu Kong*, Li Xiu*, Chao, Hu Tao
If I don’t obtain any new holy heroes, here is what I was thinking:
Evelyn/Frida/Kunchen/Zimkitha/Li Xiu
Sartana/Evelyn/Frida/Zimkitha/Li Xiu
So I guess my questions:
Are Frida and Evelyn worth ascending to max level? They do great against titans at 3/70 so are they worth the mats?
Go with Kunchen for tank or ascend Sartana first and hope to get a tanky Holy?
If I go with Kunchen over Sartana, should I prioritze Marjana over Zimkitha?
Frida is worth the scopes 100%. She hits as hard as grimm, but tanky. You could also use her as a tank if you have no other options, as the paladin talent will help alot.
You currently have eight 4* heroes at max. Considering you will spend a significant bigger amount of time maxing 5* heroes, I would still work on 4* heroes and only level up 5* heroes which are essential to achieve higher titan hits. Sometimes they do their job fine at 3/70 indeed, but it depends on what star-level titans your alliance is fighting against.
My 3/70 heroes do their job fine against 7*/8* titans, but die pretty fast against 9* titans. If you’re fighting against 8* titans or lower, I would suggest you to only level up your 5* heroes to 3/70 for now and focus on building a bigger bench by leveling your 4* heroes.
Both Evelyn and Frida are great against titans. But you have an unleveled Kiril. Kiril will help you out big time in any aspect of the game, so I would honestly just level him up before starting on Frida.
Same goes for Gadeirus. He’s a pretty cool hero, but less versatile compared to Kiril. I would still lean towards leveling up Gadeirus before Evelyn (just to have more options to choose from sooner and he will be good on titans also), but going with Evelyn will be fine also.
For purple I would level up either Kunchen to 3/70 or Sabina, because you lack healers. Simple as that. Sartana can wait. Improving your defense team is not going to add more ascension items to your bag, increasing your titan scores will.
Nevertheless, if you really want a tank, then just go with Kunchen. It might take months before a better tank appears. Also, Frida could be a worthy tank. Especially when she’s talented.
Don’t prioritize Marjana. Zimkitha is the better hero based on overall usage. Again, depending on your titan levels, I would level Zim to 3/70 and then work on Scarlett. Great glass canon she is.
You currently have eight 4* heroes at max. Considering you will spend a significant bigger amount of time maxing 5* heroes, I would still work on 4* heroes and only level up 5* heroes which are essential to achieve higher titan hits. Sometimes they do their job fine at 3/70 indeed, but it depends on what star-level titans your alliance is fighting against.
My 3/70 heroes do their job fine against 7*/8* titans, but die pretty fast against 9* titans. If you’re fighting against 8* titans or lower, I would suggest you to only level up your 5* heroes to 3/70 for now and focus on building a bigger bench by leveling your 4* heroes.
I’m just being picky with my ascensions - all of my 5s are at 3/70 except one Sartana and Victor because Trap Tools are my nemesis.
I am hoping to get Guardian Jackal this weekend.
Both Evelyn and Frida are great against titans. But you have an unleveled Kiril. Kiril will help you out big time in any aspect of the game, so I would honestly just level him up before starting on Frida.
Same goes for Gadeirus. He’s a pretty cool hero, but less versatile compared to Kiril. I would still lean towards leveling up Gadeirus before Evelyn (just to have more options to choose from sooner and he will be good on titans also), but going with Evelyn will be fine also.
Gadeirus was going to be my green project, but then I pulled Hansel. So I think I’m just going to go with Evelyn right now and then pick him up next.
Kiril I just pulled 2 days ago from TC20 and will be my next blue project after I’ve gotten Ulmer maxed (for raid tourney/events).
For purple I would level up either Kunchen to 3/70 or Sabina, because you lack healers. Simple as that. Sartana can wait. Improving your defense team is not going to add more ascension items to your bag, increasing your titan scores will.
I was thinking along the lines of - beefing up defense leads to winning more wars = more loot
War battle loot usually is pretty “meh!”. War chest loot usually is pretty “great!”. Titan loot is less often “meh!” if you receive A+ or A loot every time. By focussing on titans, you also help yourself or your alliance to increase the titan level. This increases your chances to obtain ascension materials even more.
Your war chest opens at 25 points. Shortest way to get there is 5 consecutive wins, which takes 2,5 weeks. Within 2,5 weeks you have the potential to beat 17/18 titans, but minus the escaped ones it probably averages out at 11/12 titans. The higher your score on titans, the more loot rolls you get. The more loot rolls you get, the more chances you have to obtain valuable ascension materials. Without any doubt, titans are key to obtaining ascension materials!
If you focus on titans, you will also notice that the heroes you use there are pretty suitable for your defense teams. For example, Kunchen, Frida and Evelyn. But even Kiril is.
In the end - very cliché - you should choose what gives you the most fun. It does sound like you have made a fine plan already, so I’m not worried at all.