Ascend Kiril or Kashhrek?

Should I ascend Kiril or Kashhrek first. Both are third tier Level 60 and ready to ascend, but only enough warm capes for one.

Kash needs shields, not capes, maybe you meant only enough compass or fine gloves? Either way, ascend Kiril and then a second Kiril before even thinking about Kash. Kash makes a sturdy tank for lower raid arenas but you will grow out of him and never use him again, whereas Kiril(s) you will use for a long time.


Yeah kiril is great. Very long shelf life. He still sees play for me in war, sometimes in more than one team; in top 100 alliance. Kashrek is ok, he does things. I do think he’s a better green healer than melendor. But kiril is a strictly better hero. He’s good on titans, he’s good to attack with and he’s good on defense in raid tourney especially 4* buff booster.


Kiril. Also as pointed out earlier, they require different mats as Kash needs shields and Kiril needs capes.


Kash is a nice tank when you begin, but as soon as you get other 4* candidates for tank he’s getting quickly less value as he’s very passive. As you have Kiril, go for Kiril as he’s a better hero. Kash was one of my first 4* . he helped me a lot on defense, but very limited value in attack


As per @JAWS_3D, check which materials you actually need to make sure you’ve got the choice right.

Both are wizards so compete for emblems.

As with all of the above, I vote for the dwarf :+1:


Kiril for sure. He is useful for much longer than Kash.

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@JAWS_3D thanks for pointing that out, must have looked at it wrong.

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Kiril maxed has worked wonders for me in plenty of events, challenges and he was a big part of doing Hard Atlantis. I never even considered Kashhrek for any of those to be fair. The fact Kiril adds attack and defense to all, helps hugely.

No prob! You saved 4 hard-earned shields today at least :grinning:

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Depend for what you need… Kashhrek is a god tank in defence, if you dont have stronger one, Kiril is good healer for attack (buff)…
Good luck!

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I have 12 maxed 5 star heroes. I still use Kiril a lot, he is very usefull when stacking blue.

Poor Kashrekk is just a mascot now.


I would vote Kiril, mainly because Kashhrek needs SHIELDS not Capes :wink:

Additionally, Kashhrek is only servicable & useful as a tank in the mid/early game… Once you get some 5* heroes, Kashhrek isn’t great anymore… Plus most Diamond & Platinum players know how to deal with Kashhrek & he’s no longer a great tank…

Kiril on the other hand is useful at all levels of the game… Early, mid & late :slight_smile:

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Kiril over kash.
As stated above but kash is good still if your lacking healers and need to build war teams!


In my honest opinion both heroes are good. But you will soon move on from Kashhrek as you progress within the game. Kiril however will always be very useful.
So Kiril gets my vote.
Good luck