Ascend Garjammal, LoTL or C. Francine?

Sorry I always ask these “who to ascend” questions, but I find I get the most help on here and everyone seems to have such useful insights (ones that I often overlook).

Months ago it was between LoTL and Kingston and I ascended the latter as most advised. But since then, I’ve acquired a couple more options and I’ve hit my 6th tonic again :slight_smile:

Currently my maxed 5* greens are Atomos, C. Alby, Tarlak, Margaret and Kingston, though I also use C. Melendor, Almur and Hansel that are all fully emblemed. Other options for ascension are Balbar, Jade (eww) and Zocc but I’m probably leaning towards one of the other 3.

Oh I’ll probably also be working on ascending C. Victor so I could benefit from a family bonus (of that makes a difference). Also I know LoTL has a costume coming out but realistically it’s quite unlikely I would obtain it!

I’ll pop a poll in but if you have good logic or reasoning, please share as I’d love to hear! Thanks in advance.

  • Garjammal
  • C. Francine
  • Lady of the Lake
  • Other - Balbar or Zocc

0 voters


No Evelyn or Fogg along maxed heroes so C. Francine for green Titans (even though you have Almur, but Francine is much more dangerous) and she’s also useful in general, so probably she’ll bring the most to you. LotL is great but she really shines only in VF anything (and you have already C-Alberich for that, so you would have to double colors) and Garjammal is great sniper that I use with Fogg, but probably a bit less essential than those two.

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That’s true about Francine being a good replacement for Almur on titans. I think LoTL would have really shined before they changed up the double formation hitting all enemies, but yeah I’ve always just hesitated as I tend to favour faster heroes. With Garjammal, guess I have Kingston as a sniper alternative even though he doesn’t hit as hard!

C Francine - more versatile , fast hit 3 and can use for blue titan

Garmajamal was a disappointment , the heal part of special does nothing and Kingston and Lianna better snipers in nature

LOTL not needed since you have alby maxed

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I’d go with LotL.
She is superb in many Events, preventing enemy bosses from firing when used correctly. I may be biased because I used her today to finish Teltoc on legendary on my wife’s account (she does not even have 5 non-yellow 5-star heroes, so that was a big deal).

I disagree here, Alby and LotL do totally different things (Alby is a resurrector, LotL is an enemy special ability pummeler).

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A nice choice to have to make, and Francine’s repeat-autocleanse is mighty, but… auto-mana-drain from stacks of sword minions is non-negligible to bring against any PvE boss stage where you have any worry about the bosses at all, provided they don’t have specific immunity.

(And as much as I know a lot of people are anti-Slow in a raiding environment, if you can heal and then sword up your team, the enemy is going to Have a Bad Day.)

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