We currently have 4 open slots. We are seeking new Teammates with 2200+ Cups and has 6 war teams ready to go. We use Discord to communicate offline. We are super friendly and helpful and looking for solid committed slayers.
We are taking 8* Titans with ease, kill every other 9* star but need new Teammates to help us slay 10 stars.
Most Wars we reset our opponents twice but need YOU to join us so we can reset them for the third time.
Come join our Alliance online at “Trump is your Prez 2020” or friend me on Discord at InfoWarrior#9741 to discuss.
Hey there, Great Alliance name…tried to put your name in on discord; Infowarrior#9741 and it doesnt recognize it. ???..Im in 7 days forever right now…but would like to chat…B
@Sauce don’t be bias. there is left, right, center, and insideout alliances if you search for them. but as u can see the top best players/alliances are ones that keep things fun and balanced without going to far in the SPECTRUM.
Braveheart, no worries, of course I’d still like to hear from you. Friend me on Discord then you can ask me all the questions you have. FYI, we had two 2400-2500 cuppers join yesterday.
@InfoWarrior Haha - Love the name! You’ll likely get a lot of nasty banner messages for war, though
I’m in an alliance where the name has many meanings - one of which is political. Oddly, we never talk politics or religion. We just have a great group of people from around the world who love to play the game
We currently have 3 open slots. We are seeking new Teammates with 2200+ Cups and has 6 war teams ready to go. We use Discord to communicate offline. We are friendly and helpful and looking for solid committed slayers.
We are taking 8* Titans with ease, kill every other 9* star but need new Teammates to help us slay 10 stars.
Most Wars we reset our opponents twice but need YOU to join us so we can reset them for the third time.
Come join our Alliance online at “Trump is your Prez 2020” or friend me on Discord at InfoWarrior#9741 to discuss.