Are these heroes still relevant?

I’m level 36. Mostly free to play. Trying to decide which heroes are worth putting resources towards. I’ll post the heroes in question and then my roster. Thanks for any feedback here!

Short answer: level the epic and rare season 1 (classic heroes). Once you get costumes for them they’ll be some of your best heroes.

Level: Rigard, Sabina, Boril, Melendor, Caedmon, Boldtusk, Scarlett, Nashgar
Maybe: Ana-Belle, Hu Tao
Save: Joon, Leonidas
Feed: Ahhotep, Kashhrek, Jarif, Sumle, Vollermork

More to read:


Two things to consider:

  • Master emblem quests benefit from having at least one healer per class.

At a glance, Boldtusk (fighter), Sabina (sorcerer), and Melendor (druid) are your only 4* healers for those classes. Also, while not in your list of potential fodder, Bryhild is one of the very few Rogue healers in the game - she’s not great, but she also doesn’t have many to complete against!

  • Super-elemental quests benefit from having multiple healers for each color.

You don’t have many healers at the moment, so I’m not sure it’s worth getting rid of any you currently have, even if they’re under-powered.


What do you think of Gill-ra? Is she worth keeping around and leveling?

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I don’t use her. Some like her for the cleanse.

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Jarif’s utility on offense is increasing with the popular 3* support heroes laying two buffs down at a time. He’s no rockstar, but he shines during Rush Tournaments.

I have been mostly f2p for 6-1/2 years now. I still use the 4* S1 healers all the time. For one, 5* healers are hard to come by. For another, the costumes really make them stand out.

I currently have 3x Rigard , 3x Melendor, 3x Kiril, 3x Boldtusk, all maxed with one of each LB1 and another LB2. Still missing Rigard’s toon costume but he is my main purple healer. The third of each are primarily for wars, and don’t get a whole lot of use anymore.

Others really good in costume are Li Xiu (2nd costume silences), Caedmon (a mini-Lianna), Leonidas (in costume he’s my yellow def down).

Scarlett hits hard for a 4* and I used to use her against green titans. She’s a bit fragile though for other usage.

I’ve been using Ana-Belle more lately, and I hang on to Sabina for the debuff.

Vlad is the worst 3* I have, and Nashgar even with costume is not a whole lot better. Neither are Prisca or Graymane. I’ve never used Kashhrek much, although his costume overheals.

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I fed away Jarif. Just got costumes for vollermork and sumle. Does that improve their usefulness?

So maybe feed away my nashgars?

I’d say yes. There are plenty of better red 3*'s. Jahangar in toon costume is awesome. Hawkmoon is a great 3* healer. Buster, Vollermork, and Bauchan are all better.

All Nashgar does is damage. The others all add extra secondary effects to help out the rest of the team. Toon Nashgar might be better, but you will get the hero with the costume if you get it. As is the only benefit to maxing Nashgar is the few gems you get from the museum. That can wait.

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Hard pass on vollermork
Sumle is outclassed by colen with any costume pretty much and several other reds