Are gem boards random or based on a play table? [Staff Response in Post #240, #276]

I’m sharing @mhalttu’s posts here for transparency:

We’ve now fixed the issue for future beta imports. We’ll also force a reimport to make sure nobody can abuse it in the upcoming war.

Again, I really appreciate the report. I have no doubt that this has been discussed before somewhere on the forums, but I didn’t find anybody at SGG who had heard about it before.

If you spot a bug or a vulnerability in the game that can give an unfair advantage to somebody, please do not hesitate to contact the support. If such a topic is discussed on the forums, please do not hesitate to mention me and e.g. @Petri so we can get it resolved ASAP.

As @mhalttu noted here, please do not hesitate ever to contact-support if you detect any bug or vulnerability in the game. We want to keep the game fair for everyone.