This question has been driving me crazy as @Sternman @dansing @Gargon @RandaPanduh have probably figured so here is the thought process I have in mind (my answers in bold):
Q1 Do I have at least one way to deal with fiends in my team?
No (3 points to Arco)
Yes (No points to Arco)
[3 points because fiends are quite prevalent, and I think my team needs a way to deal with these]
Q2 Do I already have a blue cleanser healer?
No (1 point to Milena)
Yes (No points to Milena)
Q3 Do I already have a magic hero?
No (1 point to Milena)
Yes (no points to Milena)
Q4 Do I already have a gargoyle hero?
No (1 point to Arco)
Yes (no points to Arco)
Q5 Do I have a very fast cleanser in my team?
No (1 point to Milena)
Yes (no points to Arco)
Q5a Do I already have an overhealer in my team? (courtesy of @Quinn3)
No (3 points to Arco)
Yes, although they are not proper overhealers…Celidana and Ptolemy (no points to Arco??)
Q6 Do I have a utility hero that gives both defence and attacking options?
No (2 points to Milena)
Yes (no points to Milena)
Q7 Is mana boost to team (50% chance on 1 charge; 100% on 2 charges) or stoneskin passive for healer more important to me?
Mana boost (1 point to Milena)
Stoneskin (1 point to Arco)
Q8 Do you like the idea of minions generally to shield team members?
Yes (1 point to Arco)
No / indifferent (No points to Arco)
Q9 Who do you think uses their wizard emblems better?
Arco (0.5 points to Arco)
Milena - she attacks all, chance for jinx to hit all (0.5 points to Milena)
[0.5 because this isn’t really that important I guess]
Q10 Who has the better stats?
Arco (0.5 points to Arco)
Milena (0.5 points to Milena)
Neutral - they are about the same [Milena has better attack; Arco is more tanky; but Milena attacks and heals so this is neutral] (no points to anyone)
[0.5 because this isn’t really that important I guess]
Q11 Who would be better in events?
Arco (0.5 points)
Milena (0.5 points)
Both about the same (no points to anyone)
[0.5 because I am currently doing fine in events]
This is a tough call but I think Arco edges this.
Q12 Who would be better for all round play (ignore titans)?
Arco (0.5 points)
Milena (0.5 points)
Both would be equally good (no points to anyone)
Arco - 5.5 points
Milena - 5.5 points
Ah crap.
Can someone please help me with this thought process or have I assigned too many / too little points to a criterion?
LOL Maybe @2puttshaqur? @Muchacho?
Thank you all
PS. Well look, if it’s a tie, maybe I will just stick to my initial instinct of Arco because he was who I wanted initially, until I did more research into Milena
And here’s a poll
- Definitely Milena
- Definitely Arco
- Truthfully both are about the same
0 voters