Arco v Milena? - a paranoid's thought process

This question has been driving me crazy as @Sternman @dansing @Gargon @RandaPanduh have probably figured so here is the thought process I have in mind (my answers in bold):

Q1 Do I have at least one way to deal with fiends in my team?

No (3 points to Arco)
Yes (No points to Arco)
[3 points because fiends are quite prevalent, and I think my team needs a way to deal with these]

Q2 Do I already have a blue cleanser healer?

No (1 point to Milena)
Yes (No points to Milena)

Q3 Do I already have a magic hero?

No (1 point to Milena)
Yes (no points to Milena)

Q4 Do I already have a gargoyle hero?

No (1 point to Arco)
Yes (no points to Arco)

Q5 Do I have a very fast cleanser in my team?

No (1 point to Milena)
Yes (no points to Arco)

Q5a Do I already have an overhealer in my team? (courtesy of @Quinn3)

No (3 points to Arco)
Yes, although they are not proper overhealers…Celidana and Ptolemy (no points to Arco??)

Q6 Do I have a utility hero that gives both defence and attacking options?

No (2 points to Milena)
Yes (no points to Milena)

Q7 Is mana boost to team (50% chance on 1 charge; 100% on 2 charges) or stoneskin passive for healer more important to me?

Mana boost (1 point to Milena)
Stoneskin (1 point to Arco)

Q8 Do you like the idea of minions generally to shield team members?

Yes (1 point to Arco)
No / indifferent (No points to Arco)

Q9 Who do you think uses their wizard emblems better?

Arco (0.5 points to Arco)
Milena - she attacks all, chance for jinx to hit all (0.5 points to Milena)
[0.5 because this isn’t really that important I guess]

Q10 Who has the better stats?

Arco (0.5 points to Arco)
Milena (0.5 points to Milena)
Neutral - they are about the same [Milena has better attack; Arco is more tanky; but Milena attacks and heals so this is neutral] (no points to anyone)

[0.5 because this isn’t really that important I guess]

Q11 Who would be better in events?

Arco (0.5 points)
Milena (0.5 points)
Both about the same (no points to anyone)

[0.5 because I am currently doing fine in events]

This is a tough call but I think Arco edges this.

Q12 Who would be better for all round play (ignore titans)?

Arco (0.5 points)
Milena (0.5 points)
Both would be equally good (no points to anyone)


Arco - 5.5 points
Milena - 5.5 points

Ah crap. :joy: :joy: :joy: :rofl: :rofl:

Can someone please help me with this thought process or have I assigned too many / too little points to a criterion?

LOL Maybe @2puttshaqur? @Muchacho?

Thank you all

PS. Well look, if it’s a tie, maybe I will just stick to my initial instinct of Arco because he was who I wanted initially, until I did more research into Milena

And here’s a poll

Who is the better hero - Milena or Arco?
  • Definitely Milena
  • Definitely Arco
  • Truthfully both are about the same

0 voters


Dammit, I’m going through the same pondering myself. Each day I sway a different way!

I need a good blue for my defence (which I’m not sure if Milena is).
I love cleansing and debuffing; they will always be crucial. I told myself a while ago to prioritise heroes with those skills.

But I love the idea of Arco. I do have a Hohenwerf, but two gargoyles to stop fire damage for them is enough of a bonus?

I would make a team with Arco, Diaochan and Pengi, plus two big hitters in the other colours.
Or I would slot Milena into my current (defence) team.

It’s really a horrible (and wonderful) dilemma.
I think I might toss a coin on the day (and then if I’m unhappy with that result, switch who I’m going for!!)


@Bwang I feel you LOL

Poll not looking too helpful either! :rofl: :joy: :rofl:

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The good news is that if it is thise close, there is no wrong answer, just preferences.

Best luck, enjoy your result.


From what I’m reading, Arco is the better defender, and Milena the better attacker. It may also boil down to what value you place on overhealing.


Just take Arco since you originally wanted him and was your first choice.

I am doing the same but for Milena :smiley:

Both are great. Maybe the 420 damage will be obsolete later on so Arco has the upper edge.


I think this answers your question on who you want more.

Milena - not sold on and seems like you are trying to talk yourself into liking her.

Arco - already creating teams in your mind and just the thought of having him excites you.

Despite what the poll suggests, I would go with what makes you happy/are most excited about.


Thankfully I don’t have this dilemma. Last covenant got Milena, last CF hatter. So it’s Arco 100%


I think milena is better all around… , but Arco had the potential to be ridiculously good as fiends become more prevalent.


This may be a Grimble-esque decision; not exactly the same but it’s similar - at the time people didn’t think minion counters were important but minions then went berserk post his release.

It’s not the same here because fiends are already around, but who knows, it may get worse…


Milena hands down man. It’s a no brainer.

It’s like comparing a BMW with a Ferrari.

Not every hero cast fiends. And Melina is designed to make your main attackers cast faster and kill the opponents to win the match. Expecting fiends to heal is not the goal. Killing the opponents are.

I don’t care if my team has 3 fiends each. As long I get to cast my specials, I kill them and win. Stop focusing on getting rid of fiends and start focusing on killing off the opponents.


Fair point, fair point. The more I look at this, the more I see the classic arguments of
1/ The best form of defence is attack
2/ The best form of defence is defence

Hahaha, I’m naturally biased towards healers but I definitely see value in Milena…hence why I am in this mental quandry

How sure are you though that new heroes with crazier fiends aren’t going to be released eg. Very fast hero - fiends to all, no chance to attack because the fiends are all over you. In that situation defence is the best form of defence? Maybe not…

That’s where vf healers come to play. I’d rather get fiends then lets say, a fast hit-all like Anne or gpanther hitting me. Again, if your team is strong enough to kill the opponents, focus on getting the 7 or 8 tiles. Usually the opponent will die first.

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Kill or be killed! Cheers for the thoughts mate

Strange, you’re missing one key consideration. Do you have an overhealer already? If not, that tips it towards Arco, especially for tower events where overhealing is key to complete impossible. Or even on challenge events if you don’t do tower events.


I have only 2 overhealers that can be used - Celidana and (the more limited) Ptolemy…indeed, it is a highly relevant consideration! Thank you


Soul exchange is about following your heart… you know who you want.


I thought I did, but now I am being swayed towards Milena LOL


The overheal is huge for the tower events. I think Milena is better all around though. Also consider, Arco doesn’t just get rid of minions, overheals to the point the opponent can’t rebound.

Ahhhhh, can’t decide.


Ferrari’s are ridiculously expensive to fix… so as a daily driver… BMW.