Arch Nemesis training alliance recruiting 400+ cups

Arch Nemesis is currently recruiting. We are a small group of 5 looking to expand our alliance. At the present time we are a training alliance with plans to grow into a more competitive alliance down the road. Requirements to join include a minimum trophy count of 400, eagerness to play the game by hitting the titan and joining alliance wars. We do take into consideration life comes first but do expect regular participation. We are a fun group of people. If this sounds like an alliance you would like to be a part of let us know by requesting to join!

we have a group of 20 really solid members. would you be interested in taking your five over to us. we are in it for the long haul. active with wars and titans and just work hard. we need to finish this thing off!

I’m sorry we are looking to stay in this alliance. Good luck to you guys though! And thank you for the offer!