🍻 [Apr & May 2021] Tavern of Legends - FAQs, Team Discussion, Portal Stats & Summons!

It really depends. If you don’t have many of non-S1 4* it’s better to pull elsewhere (S3 for Gullinbursti + Mist, S2 for Proteus + Wilbur etc.) If you’ll be happy with any 5* then there is not much difference. However if you aim for any non-S1 5* then it’s rather good spot, as a chance of 3.3% of non-S1 5* per pull is the best among the portals.

Also, the heroes there being outdated is not completely true. For one, current HotMs are par on with power creep, and May HotM seems rather good. Second, heroes such as Hel, Seshat or Alberich are still beasts even with slightly lower stats. Yeah, heroes such as Perseus or Thoth are not great, but they were not that great to begin with, so…

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Getting easier to beat the bosses

All 3* s with coins, so plucked the courage to do a 10 pull and got this lovely lady

@jinbatsu where do i find what you have used to place your teams? Cheers


It’s called “Heroplan.io

Link to the forum thread: HeroPlan.io - Tool for tracking your profile's progress, sharing it & to Plan your Hero Use for Class Trials, Challenge Events, Wars, Tavern of Legends Titans AND MORE!


It is “heroplan.io” , Profile → My Teams → Tavern Team

Then, we can drag drop hero from right side to left side…
Congrats your pull for Onatel :+1: :muscle:


I used these teams for the ten stages:


I don’t know why I was so conservative at the first stages, as I have some 3* heroes which could made the job easier. However, the last stages where pretty easy.

Regarding pulls, nothing deserved to be shown. :sweat_smile:


Got my Onatel the first month ToL came out. Yesterday, got Frida on a coin pull… not too bad of an event for me. :grinning:


First time finishing ToL. Last time only hit stage 8 due to poor roster. Teams:

1 - Melendor 1/1-Karil 1/1 -ByUlf 1/1-Karil 1/1-Jarvur 1/11
2 - Azlar 1/1 -Graymane-Grimm 1/1-cSonya 1/1- Boldtusk1/1
3 - cGan Ju, Bane, Agnes, Sudri, Ei-Dunn
4 - Valen (c5%), Valen (c5%), Valen (c5%), cHawkmoon, Gunnar
5 - Balthazar, cTyrum, Renfeld, cHawkmoon, cAzar
6 - Grevle, cIsshtak, cIsshtak, Kashhrek 4/1 (c2%), Brienne
7 - cChao (17), Hu Tao (1), Melia, cBane, Sabina 4/47
8 - Melendor, LJ (c2%), cCaedmon (18), Tiburtus(c5%, 18), Cyprian (18)
9 - Kelile (c5%, 18), Azlar 2/60, Sumle (19), cScarlett, Gullinbursti 4/41
10 - Grimm(17), Sonya (c5%, 18), Boldtusk (c5%, 18) , cSonya, Nordri (20)

Went a bit overcautious with my roster, thus at the end had 2 cBane to spare, which could be useful at some mid-stage point (4-7).

Made a planning mistake with cChao, enlisting him twice so I was short on a good hero for chapter 9, and had to include Azlar 2/60 in the team.

In general, had to use high level items like bombs and dragon attacks, but not as many. Most used item was minor mana potion and axe attack. Stages up to 6 passed almost without any items.

I am probably one of the few players who is much more happy to see a classic S1 4* hero out of this portal rather than a 5* or a HOTM. No luck with the two free summons though. Got Kailani and Oberon.


After getting (a second) Miki months ago, today ToL gifted me a totally unexpected Grazul :heart_eyes:
Considering the rate of 5* received per pulls done (tried only free coin pulls, no gems, no offers bought), this is my luckiest portal. Maybe one day i’ll be lucky enough to get Onatel, the one i would love the most.


Following my advice above to avoid this portal, 1st May came round (new HOTM) so I used my two pulls’ worth of Tavern coins, and the first one was Malosi. I think the game is trying to tell me something. Mind you I already have one Malosi, so I’m not as excited as I should be. And the second pull was Carver. But still… it’s a past HOTM on a single coin pull. And this time it isn’t Aeron. So… good, kind of.


Ares not getting any love in this thread but I’m ftp and happy to add him to my roster.


Played up to Stage 8, and got enough coins for 2 pulls. (Stages 9 and 10 to be played later, but won’t give any more coins for another pull.)

First coin pull was Onatel! A dupe, but a pleasant surprise nonetheless! Was hoping for Alasie and Yang Mai, but I certainly appreciate getting any 5-star hero from free pulls.


Not sure how it happened but ended up getting two Perseuses (or would that be Persei?) from the summon portal. Maybe I was praying too hard before these summons??


Stage 7 heroes

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Did 17 pulls:

Pretty cool. Say what you want about Ares but his design is totally rad. Also despite lower proc rate Yang Mai still seems fine. Didn’t take long to get her. Not that any of them will be ascended anytime soon, given that I have Elzy waiting for Rings and have grand total of one of them.


Legendary Pull, got Legendary Dawa and Legendary Jahangir, both became Legendary Food for Legendary Heroes.


Love this event. No like the set up and I made some really cool teams I enjoyed. Unfortunately I only got a Gormek and Oberon to show for it. Be back in 2 months. This is still better than NT IMO.

Good luck to those still bar brawling!



Oh yes, whatever I say about the portal, the event itself is one of my favourites.

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I’m happy


So I finally bought the last offer, just to get food to level up Lidenbrock. This is the second time TOL gives me something, and it’s not a dupe.


Ninja Tower >>>> TOL