šŸ… [Apr 22, 2019] 3rd Raid Tournament! ā€” 5* Bloody Battle, All Elements

It is the gravemaker tournament. Buddy flanked by two gravy is the best defense I can imagine here.

Of course Santa will also feature heavily, not that I am saying the big fella is overweight

My team will be competitive, but raiding the above will be pretty harsh


The only good thing about these tournaments is that I can fill my daily raid chest faster. Thatā€™s about it.


And Wilbur, I think that if there is no treatment, there will be a lot to do?

Question : if I field a 3* team, I will start out facing other teams with similar defense levels, correct?

I have a misty full 5* defense team, but I am more interested in filling raid chests.

Can I game the system in this way?

Sorry if this has been discussed! I have a hard time managing these giant threads on my phone and I have no idea where to begin by using the search function


Weak defense

In one of the previous Tourneys you could post a single 4* healer for defense. Which would frustrate a lot of 3* attackers.


The trade off was you fought opponents with lower bonuses so you ranked lower in the rewards even if you got 100% attack wins.

So this works great for filling your Wanted Hero Mission Chest but less well for rewards.

Basically Tourney tanking / Laurel dropping.

With the lower rewards this is a viable strategy that still gives the Devs data.

Maximum points

For maximum points you want your strongest 5* defense team and wait for the second half of each battle day before attacking. With 5* heroes a lot of 3* defenses are going to drop like rocks when it comes to bonus points.

Personally I am skipping this a Tourney. No Rigard healing? No thanks.


I calculate my attack points in the last tournament and I found put that it would have been better for me to start against 1600 TP opponent than 2300 TP opponent.

Click for calculation.

[Second Raid Tournament] Tournament Attack Tracking-How is Your Defense Doing? - #194 by yelnats_24

Last tournament my alt with 1600 TP defense got better defensive score than my main with 2400 TP because it was matched with easier opponents in defense.

That is the flaw of the previous system that I complained. I ask @zephyr1 earlier whether they make changes in matchmaking for the current tournament but he said there is no info yet.


Iā€™ll be using Greg, Athena +3, GM +2, Burrito and Oatmeal for this one. Fast, DoT, crit buff/defense debuff and mana steal

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How much is your defense worth?

Your visible defense grade ( A- E ) is not your hidden defense Laurels.

I got a better defense grade with lightly emblemed defense than Gryphonkit with her heavily emblemed defense because matching is still a Frankensteinā€™s monster ( most likely due to initial seeding and Devs lack of practice using Eloā€™s math because PvP does not have Season and resets ).

Defense Matchmaking

Devs appear to be targeting 50% wins for all defense teams with only the worst falling below D and the best rising above B.

Attack Matchmaking

But the teams I initially fought had a lower bonus than her.

Tourney rules

And a misunderstanding of Buff Booster ( it helps attackers, especially 5* attackers, more than defense so fast mana speed dispellers are more valuable on defense) really hurt newer players setting up their defense. Forum readers and older alliances really have a large edge since you can not replay your defense battles.

Too bad you can not reset your defense once per Battle day.

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Iā€™m thinking counterattack might be big, especially for teams that canā€™t field a full 5* team. Boril and Cyprian are tough and can punish teams that donā€™t take them out right away, especially since healers are out.

Evelyn is tanky enough to take 4 tiles and a burn of Gravey. Since there arenā€™t many green tanks around, it could work better as expected.

Poseidon and Anzogh seem to be cool tanks for this bloody battle, almost as good as Gravey and Burrito. AoE will also tank twice as usual imo. Color doesnā€™t much matter. Depends on the whole team.

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Just like the second tournament, Iā€™ll be lining up a team which is sligthly weaker than my best team for testing purpouses. I want to know if I will be attacked 60 times again and see how strong are the teams I get matched up.

I hope this time the attack distribution is fair and everyone gets a similar number of attacks received


It is unfortunate that the last tourney were still Frankenstein, even identical defense got very contrasting result.

Yes, the tradeoffā€¦ lower bonus but higher chance to use all flags. I only have five non-healer 4* ready for this tourney so I guess I have to lower my defenseā€¦

Isnā€™t the current 5* tourneyā€™s special effect is bloody battle and the previous 3* tourney were buff booster?

Iā€™m fairly new to the game overall so some of the terminology is throwing me. Is ā€œrecovering healthā€ the same as revival, resurrection, healing? For example, Ariel would be a bad choice for this raid tournament?

Any confirmation on whether Morgan le Fay or the three vampires can return health? Itā€™s technically a different mechanism than ā€œhealingā€, just like Onatel can gain mana even when under The Crush of Hel.

It looks like the answer should be that Victor/Morgan/etc. do not gain back HP from their skills, per Rana / Perseus versus Victor


Why you put Rudolph in the corner? You donā€™t want 3 heroes to get his minions?

I donā€™t have too much choice, I take my base def team with talents. Drake4-Richard2-Marjana4-Kageburado4-Zeline3. 4163.

Iā€™ll be trying to put my best foot forward, see what comes of it. Iā€™m considering swapping Buddy for Proteus, just for the added ā€œminionā€ heal, but Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s worth it.


Rudolph only give minion to himself.
Buddy give minion to himself and nearby allies.
Santa Claus and Mother North give minion to all allies.


Recovering health = healing

Ariel will not heal only give mana buff.

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Any and all mechanics that increase HP are disabled. HP goes in one direction only: down.