šŸ”± [Apr 2020] Atlantis Summon Results

You should have gotten Alasie and Malosi looking at what people got from single pulls :)) well at least it wasnā€™t Dawaā€¦

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@suntanglory, ā€œniceā€ is the wrong word. Iā€™d actually prefer 2, ā€œgame changerā€. Now itā€™s possible, that when heā€™s maxed you think ā€œdamn PapaHeavy is dumb, this isnā€™t wrong, but wilbur needs to be used correctly. Once you get that down youā€™ll realize what a powerhouse he can actually be. Good luck and stay safe!!

I leave a couple of these here for future reference

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Iā€™m playing this game for about 2 months, and as a newbie I was trying to build a base od heros to feed in the futureā€¦ Did fair amount of pulls, but the latest AR pull shows the usual resultā€¦ Iā€™ve got more 4* heros from single coin pulls. Weā€™ll see if Iā€™m going to keep spending or go easy way, stop pursuing a stronger team and enjoy in the game at whatever level I reach. :slight_smile:


I am not happy I am used 100 Atlantis coins I got Gil-Ra (duplicate). This is 104 pull, till today I am not received any 5* hero, only I am expecting 4* ice hero but that also not getting.

No 5* heroes for me, but I did pull my first Proteus which I am very happy about. As soon as I have finished levelling Rigard he is jumping the queue ahead of Merlin and Stonecleave as my next dark hero.

Am trawling through Atlantis to get coins from the first easy run and a few of the lower harder levels so hope to get one more pull this month.

Very disappointed in the low number of the special monster who drops coins though. I have run through three full lots of energy and four flasks and have only seen two of them. I had hoped to see more since the Atlantis coins are no longer dropped in chests and loot, but if anything they are even fewer in number.

oh jesus


Would have loved to get Tarlak, but it wasnā€™t to be (of course I came in with 99 coins and gems for one pull):

 Gato (double dupe)
 Danzaburo (dupe)
 Mnessus (dupe) (from coins collected in farming)

As my loot tickets are out, I probably wonā€™t get another one this month.

Total of 30 pulls , not even one 5* hero , Hope for better luck next time


I have never pulled a 5 star hero from Atlantis so far and not just during this month. :frowning:

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I have seen lot of people summoning a 5* (this AR) from their first pull. I did 11 and got nothing.
Sad for your pull but im glad to know im not the only one on this boat

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Yeah, I still have no Atlantis 5*. Pulled two past HoTM in past Atlantises though, and also have 2 S3 5* already (Sif and Norns). I am skipping Atlantis this time because Margaret and there is nothing really I need (have Magni, so no need for Alasie, and Miki, so while Tarlak would be nice against Ze Thunder Unicorn, he is not that much required either, and this monthā€™s HoTM is not that thrilling either).

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Hey, tough luck. Definitely ā€œttong sone.ā€

Itā€™s RNG but this might be helpful. Do a few pulls, if you get regular 3*, then stop and try pulling another day. Thereā€™s a belief that the pulls are streaky.
Idk if itā€™s true or not but one thing I know is taking a step back and letting your frustrations settle down will let you have a clearer head and possibly save you some money.

Sorry Iā€™d give you a mitsuko if I could. Hereā€™s something to share a different perspective. Iā€™m not doing any pulls this AR.

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felt good about my luck and used whatever Atlantis coins I had. 4th pull brought me this beauty!



Great! It matches the word upon the results. Pure highlights!

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Four coin pulls. 3* food. 3* food. 3rd Wilbur. Then Mitsuko. Finally a 5* Atlantis/featuredHOTM.


Did 5 pulls with collected Atlantis coins I was searching most for Alasie and the fifth pullā€¦

I was lucky and quite happy


This has nothing to do with forum, I was wondering if had idea why there was no Atlantis offer today? I wasnt sure where to post this question

Offers there; right on schedule :slight_smile:

Only one pull this month this month, as Iā€™m saving my 10 pulls for Wonderland (yup, like Iā€™ll be getting any White Rabbit or Jabberā€¦) and saving the rest of my coins for next month for a chance at kage or, el effe, Gravemaster. Somehow, managed to pull a 5*, Marjana. She looks pretty nice on offense, though, not sure how quickly Iā€™ll be able to actually make use of her as rare are those 4* AMā€¦ ;(

I have coins but Iā€™m waiting for bext month when the POV summons quest/challenge is active.