Anyone stripping emblems from their heroes before v67

I only stripped the heroes I rarely use. We’ll see in time if that was the right call or not.

If a class has heroes queueing for emblems, strip the emblems from 5*s who have already received them.

In many cases, we can have more emblems than we can use.

So far I’ve put my one training camp that’s not on level 20 onto eco setting level 11, am continuing not to use HA10, and have stopped all but one function on alchemy lab. I’m just using it for generation of 3* assention mats as HA6 can provide a non-food costly way to store recruits.

Now it’s down to SG to get their maintenance to work.

It’s kind odd to be reducing my actual generation of emblems.


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When it will be enabled? So far its still 125 and 250


Yes, very impatiently waiting. Some of my best heroes are feeling very naked.


I think they roll out the updates by grouping… so I’m sure some have already gotten it… I haven’t.


which is awesome cause my heros are useless… FANKS… lol

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As of yet the nodes are the same. Reduction was supposed to be May 13 as far as I understood. And stripping was done previous to the reduction if you didn’t mind the loss of resources. The golden reset, I wouldn’t because they were free anyway and you lose the gold reset. Would be nice if you got it back for the nodes you used it on. That they would come back as paid for. In my imagination.

I’m not stripping anything, because I’m in a perpetual state of famine with this game. Every damn thing is so frickin’ expensive in terms of food that I run out of it in minutes. Whatever food I get back from stripping emblems is a pittance of what I put in there, so no thanks.

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I have 160 million in ham… and another 40 million in crates… but I don’t get a bunch of new heroes… So it is dependent on a case by case situation.

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The only food costly crafting I do is for harpoons and 1* pots (which I mainly do one at a time among actions to refresh MV). In iron use, I’ve stopped crafting hunters caltrops because, should I get to a stage where I have more food, I may want the titan skulls for scrolls of agregation. For now I’ve also stopped using HA10 and 2 of 3 levels of AL. It’s hard.

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Well, if you’re levelling/limit-breaking,2LB’ing and emblemming 5* heroes like I do, then it will cost insane amounts of food, but I would like to hear all about how you are somehow able to avoid spending any food on that.

… yes and now I’m pondering eating my heros… great idea… LOL

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If you are using Alchemy lab for the sake of emblems. it would have been better to quit using that so as to use food for resets

Bon appetite! :plate_with_cutlery: :+1:

Tbh emblems have lost their value. They are given out for free and most of it is underutilized. Doesn’t matter whether you lose emblems or not, you regain them back so fast. But I admit it’s generally annoying. I did reset the ones I haven’t used for a long time.

I have a ton of barbarian ranger and fighter… But free sorcerer wizard and paladin… So sure i get emblems from mystic vision alchemy lab and the Wednesday Sunday missions.

But… Sacrificing emblems I’m short of… Not a thing I’m willing to do.

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Yep, and alchemy lab may have lost it’s value. Players may have already have sufficient emblems most if not all of their top thirtyish heroes that they regularly use in war.

It’s just when a player lacked emblems in certain classes that stripping will have had value.

I am not enjoying re embleming these heroes. I’m doing it slowly, so from tc20 and hero academy…