Any word on February's HotM? (Kunchen)

Damn and I thought Aeron was bad

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I had 7 tokens and 2400 gems saved up and got 3 4* that I already have. All other were 3*. Kunchen remains at large. Gonna keep trying.

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He totally looks like heā€™s perving on Sabina


I had 9 tokens saved. Got like 4 4*s. No kunchen. Oh well.

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Probably wondering if she can smell the bomb he just dropped without a nose.

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Lots of tank HoTm lately. Where are the attackers ?

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So with the onslaught of tanks that are all almost great perhaps we need the rainbow tank team: mother North, kunchen, Onatel, aegir, santa that would take so long to whittle away


Aegir is no where close to great.


I feel your pain. 28 more days to try. :four_leaf_clover:

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Onatel is an attacker, and a very poor tank.

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I did a epic Heroes 10 pull and a fire element 10 pull as well as one extra pull of each and no luck unlike last month where i wou d up getting 9 of ONATEL!!! Was thinking of feeding her to other holy characters but she is quite usuful especially in Wars

Iā€™m not sure if this guy is even useful because Rigert can do the same and heā€™s faster on the mana

Anyway Iā€™m going to save my gems for the whatever the special event someone is so I could do several 10 pulls hoping thatā€™s going to help

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Well, I got Aeron already and I decided to have no summon this month. I definitely donā€™t want this guy in my team. Stats are terribleā€¦

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It may be that they released the wrong version of Kunchen. What is live was the first version in beta. They changed him, shifting some defense to attack, but those changes arenā€™t what was released. Iā€™m puzzled.


In your view is the beta version/live version better than the version that was supposed to be released?

What does shifting defence to attack mean? Thanks :slight_smile:

The final beta version of Kunchen had statline 648 - 778 - 1437, compared to 618 - 815 - 1437 (which was the first statline we saw in beta). I donā€™t know whether this was an error or a decision that the revised statline wasnā€™t what staff wanted.

618 attack stat is really low, making Kunchenā€™s tiles/slash ineffectual. Heā€™s on a par with Justice in that department. The 648-778 stats makes the tile damage marginally respectable while still keeping him tankyā€”which is a good hint for a slow-mana healer.


His slashing damage would be ok after his first round of defense debuff.

He only decrease it by 34% but with a recovery skillset even this much is pretty goodā€¦
Low personal tile damage but with a good damage contribution.


I noticed these two have the same stats: Attack, Defense, and Health. No other heroes duplicate stats like this. I seemed to be the only one concerned in PS Global Chat.

Is there a reason the stats are the same? Was it a mistake? Is it in anticipation of the V19 changes? Per Kerridoc:

Makes me think it was just a mistake, either way that we will definitely be seeing some changes to one of these two


@Razor made note that Onatelā€™s stats actually exactly matched Yunans, and that that was the first observed case of that in RaZoRā€™s EDge:

It does seem quite odd that two HOTM in a row would have the same stats.


So, what is the opinion on how strong Kunchen is? I donā€™t have a purple 5* yet, or a 5* healer. I have a pretty good 5* team Iā€™m leveling up consisting of Evelyn, Lianna, Zimkitty, Athena, and Onatel.

Heals are currently handled by Rigard.

Should I try hard for Kunchen this month?

People tend to dismiss any slow hero, only ever looking at specials and ignoring the stats Kunchen has very high defense, with a buff against yellow if he goes off. I think he is being dismissed way too early just because of slow mana. I think he will be a great tank personally and worth getting.