I’ve gotten to a point where that all that i have to work on i yellow. Any of them worth the mats?
Devana now get to work
I have 2 D’Andre levelled. Great yellow healer.
Costumed Chao. Cheap to get maxed. Superior minions at 20. Gets mana with every color blocks like VF or more. Non cleansable mana sucking.
But needs good timing.
And he’s very powerful on Tower events. Because his 100% mana stealing is earlier with Erratic Time.
Anything here is -A- except Chao
Devana is a can opener
Rana has great synergy potential
Anastasia is cousin of Motega
D’andre is like an epic Ariel
It depends alot on your current roster and needs but both Devanna and DeAndre are useful. I personally like Anastasia but don’t use her as often as I used to due to other options
Good luck whomever you choose
Devana, if you need some card can counter LotL and WPs’ minions
She dispel buffs from three enemies (I didn’t came across any other yellow who can dispel)…
She gives small amount of mana each turn…
Very good support hero and most use-full for mono Yellow team…
Devana and D’andre both are worth levelling.
All of them!nice heroes
Those are very fine heroes, I would say yes to all of them! I guess it depends on your collection, of course.
I have Anastasia and Chao. Using Anastasia all the time. C-Chao less so, but I heard he´s rather good in some events.
In my honest opinion I would first focus on both Devana and D’Andre, you won’t be disappointed
Whichever heroes you choose good luck
Devana would be my first pick. Her anti minion abilities are quite underrated.
I still see Devana all over the place and Andre 3000 is great and his passive helps a ton but that mana generation makes the difference, i pair him with Golden Piggie all thr time in war and even on titans
Devana is very often on my front line as well — she’s not huge damage, but not shabby hit-3 for “support” either, and there are a lot of situations in which her dispel-3, her anti-minion lynx, and/or “just” summoning a chunky minion for herself can be useful.
Plus, her passives aren’t shabby at all (especially with lots of minions around that can throw annoying or downright nasty effects, plus free mana on her link, even better if you’re running any other HotM from 2021).
Devana isn’t just a can opener, she’s a Swiss army knife.
And Ana is kinda Motega’s little sister and D’Andre is kinda Ariel’s little brother (plus the circus family bonus, autocleansing ailments, is very nice). Ana is actually one of my primary summoners (!) and her variable-speed effects can actually be pretty handy (not least in events, often with ailment resist or duration nerfs, where you can bring a horde of minions into the boss phase and drop fiends on bosses).