🌑 Anubis – Season 5 Hero – 5* Dark / Purple: Thoughts, Discussion & Summon Results with Feedback

I think its very nice from you that try to explain it to noxy but also its kinda senseless because he will not understand it unfortunately :rofl:

He(?) doesnt even read those cards :joy:


I personally think the whole Fast vs Average speed is overblown. In my experience, if I can get a fast hero to fire, likely I can get an average speed hero to fire. For example, I’ll run cMarjana, Gormek (+CB+20), and Zagrog as a red stack. There is the odd time that cMarjana will charge before the others, but the next move will normally charge the others. OTOH, I’ll get boards where I can’t get 2 matches to fire Malosi.

Anyway, I noticed something interesting about Anubis and his family passive. His special has a DD of -34% for 3 turns, but he has a Moon Family bonus chance of -24% DD for 2 turns when he gets hit by a special skill. That would kind of suck if he fires and then gets hit by an enemy special and watch the DD decrease. On the offence you may be able to avoid that, but if he is on the defense, you may be able to make some use of it.

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Interesting… Why didn’t Ludwig give taunt to this yellow eagle guy (can’t remember his name)?
All buffs should be given to the hero with greed, right?

A greedy (?) hero doesn’t steal positive effects from his (or her) allies. He can get his own positive effects if it’s possible, and then prevents the others from getting theirs. Anubis’ SS description says only the prevention. There’s nothing about stealing.

Ah, that makes sense.
So if I cast greed on a hero next to Cyprian they will get counterattack. When I cast greed on a hero that is 2 places away from Cyprian they will not get counterattack.
Thank you! That makes sense, that makes Anubis even more interesting!

Thanks, wanted to see you kill horus and see everyone freed from greed.

Can you test vs furdinand priority clean vs any other cleanser?

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@Noxyking Average is the new Very fast? :wink:

I also love fast and VF heroes, but there are many other good heroes at other speed that may change the outcome of the game. Just remember what a pain Waterpipe is/was, just to take one example. Present in many top team in wars etc.

Happy gaming

This card feels so good and i like his laugh.
Great card for strategy. Love that attack team. Thank you for sharing.

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Well I don’t know what to think is he good or bad my only opinion is I got him and I’ll make my own decision once I level and use him


I envy you getting him :slight_smile: congrats!

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The skill has to justify the speed. There are a lot of great avg speed heroes.

Arubis skill at avg speed is too late. Chance of tank or flank firing is too great. Pairing with no instant damage, using him might cause you to lose more battles.


Just got him on a single free pull. Looking forward to using him.


Feel like I’m being stupid, why is my poison damage different at lvl8

Because your hero is not fully leveled. The attack stat affects the hero’s poison damage. You’ll see it increasing as you keep leveling up the hero.


But he’s at lvl 8? Okay though, thanks got to admit I’ve never really paid attention to poison damage and attack stat whilst levelling, thanks

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No worries. It’s been like that forever. It’s not intuitive because DoT shows in the card as a fixed number, not a percentage. But the number does increase with attack. I remember it from when I maxed GM lol.


Keep in mind when you add emblems and LB, his DoT will surpass the card’s maximum.


Currently, i have 96 maxed 5*. My roster is organized w/ a defense team and 2 mono teams per color. I dont play mono except maybe on war hits 5&6 or against cup dropping mono defenses, but it helps me see who/what i have to set my roster that way. Of my top 55(utility, heroes I use most often) heroes 31 are average or slower. I raid into the top couple hundred most days. I almost never fall below 2700 cups. Anubis has a place in my roster. He will have to wait his turn, but he will be maxed relatively soon. The special is unique at this point in the game.
Priority cleanse aside, this card stops everything positive for 4 cards for 3 turns. I’m maxing that card! 2-3 of my next round of 5 5* to max are avg or slower. I’m done w/ the f/vf conversation.


You sir get my favourite post of the day award


My 2 cents of 20 chars. Juse saying tho