My raid defense is always getting destroyed. I have recently been using Sabina-Gormek-Eve-Proteus-Grimm.
I have maxed Evelyn, Grimm, Proteus, Sabina, Gormek, HuTao, Cademon, Wilbur, Cypran, Rigard, and LiXiu. Colen, Vivica, Melendor, Tiburtus, and Triton are close to being leveled. Any suggestions?
Evelyn prob isn’t a good tank. Also Grimm, proteus and Sabina are squishy.
You’re in transition, moving from 4* to 5* but don’t really have a 5* tank and your 4* tanks may not cut it anymore depending on what level you are raiding at.
Maybe try tibs, Evelyn, vivica, Caedmon, gormek
Or Evelyn, tibs, vivica, gormek, Caedmon
You could also try rigard as a tank. An emblemed rigard can be a pain to take down.
Until you have a full 5* team you will prob have some growing pains for a bit.