šŸŽƒ Ana-Belle - 4* Dark / Purple from Return to Morlovia (Halloween)

Thatā€™s how every taunt reads.

Well if you use Ana on the same team as your taunt hero,the taunt hero does nothing (because Ana is no enemy in this case) and she removes everything


Taunt only applies to enemies


Iam just thinkingā€¦
Is she good to put her with S1 snipers as Khan, Joon, Liannaā€¦?

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Super huge heals on herā€¦ biggest in the game. Hope she doesnā€™t get nerf bat.


Just pulled another two of her with 4 coins. Happy only down side cleric emblems.

Do I understand her charter correctly? If my heroes have +attack this reinforcement will be dispersed by Ana-Belle, and for example if the enemies have -defences it can also disperse this ailment of the enemies? It just clears everything and everyone on the whole board?


Yes, you understand her skill correctly.


Thanks for the answer. So you have to be able to make good use of this hero. In a defensive team I wouldnā€™t put her but in an attacking team she can be valuable as much as possible.

Yeah sheā€™s a tricky one, but should shine vs buff heavy teams. Her skill is an interesting twist on a similar mechanic with Snow Whiteā€™s skill which deals damage vs heals. Snow White can be a match ender if used with the right team, but if I remember correctly she requires the removal of sixteen buffs to max her damage, whereas Ana should only need to dispell 10 buffs to max her heal.

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Based on using her in the wars she has clearly impoved the durability of my war defense despute being just 4* in wars where the average Team Power is between 4800 - 5100.

Minion war seems to suit her especially well because the likelyhood of heros dying is lower which allows her to heal them back up.

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Pulled her :slight_smile: cleric emblems are low for moi so meh


I did manage to pull her but am in the same predicament as @Dudeious.Maximus , when it comes to cleric emblems . That and predominantly getting clerics the last few months on summons. :slightly_frowning_face:


i would reset a 5* and emblem her.

She is very good hero comparable with any 5* healer. will definitivly max no. 2 and 3 as well.


I fought her on a defense today. She was counterproductive in a way for the defending team.
My offense was hit by Morel and the rest of the defenders were primed to hit in the next cascade.
But i triggered Ana on the defense and she cleansed my team of the DD from morel. Though she gave a massive heal, I survived the next other attack and went on to win the fight.
I believe she is a great healer for offense but on defense she may be counterproductive to the defending team in the right situation.


I finally retired good old Rigard, stripped him and gave him a swim suit and sent him on an island vacation in Atlantis.

Emblems are on Ana Belle now for good.


I find this especially interesting, as a few years ago we still had players swearing on needing 6 Rigards for war :slight_smile:
glad you are enjoying your new Ana-Belle!

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I was one of them. I played without Rigard for 3 years. I couldnā€™t get him anywhere. And then I landed 5 of him from the C chamber. I donā€™t use him much except for titans and tourneys. Sad, from the most desired card to ā€˜I donā€™t notice him at allā€™.


Customed Rigard was really good back in the day, I have 3 of him. But the small heal over time simply isnā€™t enough nowadays, so if I have to choose between regular Rigard and Ana-Belle than I choose the scary cleaning lady. I have 1 fully leveled and emblemed and a second will come soon.

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I said the same thing. When I get a new hero I usually run them through the daily challenges and season 1 to get an idea of how to use them. She erased every buff and ailment from everyone. I had just splashed everyone with poison and poof it was gone. Use her before you buff your team or harm the other team. All of it goes away.

Yes, you need to time her to make the most of her special. Unless you really need an emergency heal and have no other choice. Itā€™s a big heal, so thatā€™s the trade off.