Who is the best of them I always wonder.
Also I need advices of each color 4* are shown the best in battle s.
Yellow hero I use Gretel and she is awesome for me.
“it depends on what you need them for”
My subjective list of “best” 4*
1- Purple - Proteus is probably the best 4* hero in the game. Rigard-C gets honorable mention.
2- Yellow - Mist is my favorite right now, but Jackal is amazing.
3- Green - I’m really stuck between Almur and Buddy.
4- Blue - Another hard choice for me between Grimm and Kiril
5- Red - Wilbur is so versatile that he can be used anywhere, but Boldtusk is seriously a contender. EDIT: Yes, I considered Scarlett
Proteus is best from those heroes. Actually probably second best purple 4*. Only Rigard is better.
Proteus for sure. Really useful against bosses!
#1 - Rigard C
#2 - Poteus
#3 - Merlin (?)
#1 - Jackal
#2 - Lady Woorleton
#3 - Mist / Wu Kong (if you don’t have Tarlak, Miki or Ranvir)
#1 - Grimm
#2 - Kiril
#3 - Sonya (?)
#1 - Almur
#2 - Caedmon C/R
#3 - Hansel
#1 - Wilbur
#2 - Falcon
#3 - Sumle
Thank you all for help.
These are epic heroes I take to diamond raids:
Green: Hansel, Brynhild
Yellow: Gullinbursti
Red: Wilbur, Boldtusk
Blue: Triton (recently retired because I finished Magni costume), Kiril
Dark: Rigard costume, Fura. As for Proteus, I got him only recently and he is still at 1/1. I couldn’t get him for so long that I learned how to manage without him, in raids, challenge events etc. so I don’t know yet how useful he will be to me.
Out of the heroes mentioned in the title, I’d go with Proteus first. Proteus will help you in a lot of aspects of the game including almost all PvE.
Ammeona has a high attack and might be useful for yellow titans depending on your roster.
Jabbar only good for tanking in some 4* tournaments imo.
Thanks a lot guys.
Also I wanna ask you all about this hero what you all think.
I put her in left corner.
Gretel is great offensively but I’m not sure how I feel about her on defense team. Also I prefer Hansel over her b/c Hansel is Fast speed rather than Average.
Gretel is one my favorite 4* heroes (same with Hansel in green).
I have her with the exact same stats as well. It’s best to emblem her defensively so she can charge and cast her skill reliably.
If this is for a defense team, for raid tournaments I’ve had a lot of successful defenses with Gretel as flank and her brother Hansel on wing.
| wing | flank | tank | flank | wing |
She’s average speed and so she has a slightly trickier time charging her skill than her faster brother Hansel. So putting her on flank over wing is better, because her effect will activate sooner.
But this is all for raid tournaments – I don’t use 4*s on my watchtower defense anymore, as I have better heroes for that already.
Maybe because I don’t have Merlin but I love my Tiburtus and Tiburtus Costume.
Personally, I love Rangers so I prefer the regular Tiburtus.
I stack 2x Purple 3x Green.
4 of which are Rangers, then a Paladin:
C Rigard (+18) / Tiburtus (+18) / Telluria / Evelyn / Lianna
(Evelyn + Lianna are only +5 each, so their ranger ability is not the best they could be but i ams lowly increasing each)
playing with special 4* heroes or costume and 20 emblems is fantastic.
a 4* ( special or costume ) is way more powerfull than s01 5* or even past hotm.
purple: 3 heroes are in different league as the others: rigard c, tiburtus c and proteus. even without costumes the first two are better. rigard with costume is used by the top players ( 4-5 rigards) in wars
yellow: mist is a powerhouse with emblems, it is beautiful attacking with her in raids and war. one of my favorite heroes in the game. jackal and gretel are also fantastic heroes. gullinbursti, as i heard, can be pretty good, from season 3
red: i adore scarlet, again with 20 talents at the attack path she has 895 attack which makes her good at tiles vs teluria, events and titans. can t wait for her costume. boldtusk is also a must have if you don t have a great red healer like grazul. wilbur, as everybody knows still rocks
blue: kiril, kiril, kiril. best hero until grimm gets a costume
green: cademon for tournaments is awesome, as kashrek for the tank position. melendor is a great healer with costume as is brynhild, which i have at +20 and i use dailly. but hansel is the best 4* in the game.
Here are my favorites by color, best ones listed first (having not used all 4* heroes)
Dark: Proteus, C. Rigard, Tiburtus
Yellow: Gretel (never had Jackal or Mist, but they’re probably both better)
Blue: Grimm, Kiril
Green: Hansel, Caedmon (never had Almur or Buddy, but I could still argue for Hansel over either)
Red: Wilbur, Boldtusk (though I still don’t have either one)
Proteus is awesome (or so I hear).
Can confirm that costumed Rigard is quite solid.
I’d put both of them ahead of Ameonna (sp?). She’s not complete trash or anything, not suggesting you delete her, but I think there are better purple options.
Thank you all so much this help a lot.
I don’t want to open new topic so will continue here.
This is my team for offence and defence.
All advices velcome.
Maybe Gretel and Proteus as flanks?
At last one.
I would switch Gretel for Raffaele