Ameonna 4* I need advices

I’m saying that Ameonna’s special boosts the damage from purple tiles. That means all purple tiles on the board, while she is active. She doesn’t have any attack of her own. Her attack is the tile damage itself. One active Ameonna boosts purple tile damage by 85%. You are suggesting that two active Ameonnas double that damage.

It’s also my understanding that double BT does not equal double BT damage. Their specials override each other.

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Her special doesn’t boost purple tiles. It just a straight-up attack boost to herself of 85%. So 5 specials on individual Ameonnas means 5 boosts of 85%. Overall boost of 85%.

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But she doesn’t deal any damage.

EDIT: except for defensively. Defensively, yes. All heroes deal “normal” damage defensively. Offensively? Her only damage is tile damage.

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Yes… she boosts her attack, which adds to the purple stack.

So… 4 heroes at 700 attack plus max emblemed Ameonna at 900 (rounding up). That gives each tile a value of 3700

Ameonna casts… her attack gets boosted to 1665. That gives each tile a value of 4465.

Now replace the other 4 with Ameonnas. Pre special each tile is worth 4500. They cast… each one is boosted to 1665 attack. Each purple tile is now worth 8325. Which is 85% more than it was worth before…

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That is tile damage.

You only need one active Ameonna to boost all purple tile damage.

Would work exactly the same with any other 4 purples on the team.

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Each Ameonna special only boosts her own attack value.

5 Aemeonnas equate to a team-wide 85% boost to attack value


Okay, I see what you’re saying now…

still not a full “stacking” per se. But yeah, would be a boost.

The question then would be whether or not it would be worth to swap out other purples? Tibs for example… -34% defense might be better than one extra +85% attack.

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No doubt, because 1 extra +85% is equivalent to +17% team bonus. Although her attack value is significanty higher, so maybe it ends up being more than that.

However, the main part - the interesting bit - is that you get this 85% boost whilst everyone on your team is completely invulnerable for 4 turns


Yeah, that would be awesome.

Apologies for the misunderstanding, I was thinking of her boost in terms of boosting tile damage (because that’s what it does)… forgetting that it only boosts tile damage from her own individual contribution to tile damage (unlike say Wu, whose boost affects everyone’s attacks). So yeah in that sense they do “stack” in terms of total attack power (though not 1:1 for actual tile damage).

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Longest 5 minutes of my life :slight_smile:


LOL again, my apologies. I was just thinking it would be absolutely insane if each Ameonna added 85% damage to every purple tile on the board.

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Thing is at +85% in a full purple stack of 900 attack ameonnas… you are 3 or 4 tiling every opponent. And you have 4 turns to set it up, and to soak up any enemy specials


Yeah, now that I think about it, I kinda wish I had more Ameonnas. Funny how most people consider her to be absolutely useless, when a full team of 5 of them could be incredibly lethal.

Invincible team just lobbing purple tiles and killing everything in its path. Assuming you get enough purple tiles, of course.

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Yea i was thinking smth like team of 4 Ameonas and Willbur perhaps, to be able to clear everything. Well if it wont be that good, it must be fun at least.

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Thanks Guys a lot, now definitely I will bust one more Ameonna.
I hope I will get more.
2 Ameonna, full emblem Rigard, full Proteus and one spot left…

And that’s the issue. As with other tile dependent heroes, you’re using the tiles you need to charge her special, and likely you’re out when that happens.

If you’re not, cool. You get to do massive damage. But… any other purple in that situation is going to do great too. Because they get the tile damage, their special, more tile damage, and charge their specials too.

I used Ameonna for about 3 months as she was my only 4* purple. Did she save a few raids? Sure. Did I do much, much better when I replaced her? Absolutely. She’s extremely niche.


Right, and agreed. Ameonna was my first 4* purple and I used her for quite a while, but I rarely use her anymore.

The idea of using 5 of her on a mono purple team sounds interesting, but overall she would be entirely tile dependent and kind of a one-trick pony even for a mono purple team. Whereas if you bring along a Tibs, you at least have a direct attack hero; bring Rigard, you have a healer/cleanser; bring Cyprian, you have a riposter, etc.

Going full Ameonna could work out fantastically if you get enough purples on the board, but!!! I have identified one very major flaw in that strategy -

Effect 4

While in Ghost form the caster can’t gain mana,

That is probably her biggest weakness. She can’t maintain ghost form indefinitely. You’d have to set up a purple diamond or something before they all came out of ghost form in order to put them right back in. Otherwise you have 5 sitting ducks with no DD, no healing, no DoT, no nothing until you’re able to turn them back into ghosties.

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I agree that weakness is about getting mana in ghost form but…
If all 5 are in ghost form and you have good board of purple than you can make serious damage to enemy right?

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Yeah but tiles are rng that’s the problem. I use ghosty in raids often an hold back on using special until time is right or may have to use if things not working shove in ghost and hope for the best. She a fun hero never regret mats or emblems it’s just about timing with her.


Plus if you haven’t killed the enemy with specials and come out ghost to recharge she is under down one of, if not the, weakest hero in terms of survivability. She can’t survive a dry board.
