As per pictures attached. Been playing for the last 6 months. Ascended few heroes but not a single 5 * of dark hero yet. Quintus had been waiting for his royal tabbard for the past 4 months. And Kunchen is just around the corner.
A.f.a.i.r, I had only came across a 2 campaign which offer a royal tabbard as a final stage loot.
Too bad two of 'em was when I was a freshie with less than 2000 tp while the final stage is 3250. Give up the final stage after 150 gems went up the smoke.
Bought the 600 gems offer at the shop about five times, but the 2 randomly given AM never includes the royal tabbard.
Any suggestion on how do I increase my royal tabbard’s collection?
Thank you in advance.
Patience. They will come. There will be an event with a tabard as the reward for finishing the final stage every 2 months or so. Also, there are occassionally special sales where you can buy one outright, along with some gems and other stuff, usually for $10. These specials come along quarterly IIRC.
If your alliance isn’t hitting at least 8* titans, find one that is. Better odds of getting ascension mats.
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Morlovia should be next in a couple of days. Dont miss that. I feel like the tabbards and the rings are the most hard to find and get 4* AMs but you should always try not to miss the rare quests.
My alliance used to hit 8 * titan on regular basis. Got a few 4 * and 3 * AM but not the royal tabbard.
Guess I’ve to wait a lil’ longer then.