Am I the only person who has serious difficulty getting enough Midnight Roots?

Just got one from a monster chest.

Just to be clear, I wasn’t suggesting that auto-farming region 22 is a good idea, or practical, or even possible. I certainly can’t, and I have a darn good team. My point was that the ONLY benefit to region 22 is increased XP/iron/food per energy. For Item farming, anything after 13-6 is a bad idea, just too much energy for too little reward.

I’ve given it a try, gotten pretty decent returns. It certainly farms faster than 13-5 or 6. Based on the data bible, it has a better item rate than 13-6, equal to 13-5, so I just found my new item farm. Thanks.


I have 658 midnight roots. I should start to make items, no?
By the way, I farm 12-9 for months.

I’d make items, but I’m root poor.

steals your stash! :grin:

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I have 145 Midnight Roots right now but 0 Metal Ores :confused:

I like too use 7-4 and 12-9 as farming spots.

12-9 have god utput on many things, god and many drop of items (almost never under 20), good payof on recruits so traingcamps keep going. Low energi spending out from what you gain.

7-4 is good when you have coffin to fil fast 12-17 enemy to only 3 energi, it is also go when you have dark coffin 12-15 enemys.

I have got Midnight Roots “often” in both spots


I’d say the crafting in this game needs a bit of work. Why on earth I need 3 crafting buildings when I can’t get the mats to queue up more than 15 minutes of crafting at a time… is beyond me.

Every single items that I can currently make has one mat that you never need to think about because you have TONS of it… and another mat that bottle necks it. want mana posts? all the bones in the world, no string. want arrows? got lots of iron, where is the leather strips? Want to make healing pots? don’t have enough steel! (metal for a healing pot… really?)


I have 458 midnight roots. The ingredient I have the least of is dragon bones (176). I have a feeling I don’t use battle items effectively.

This morning, I could only make healing potions. Minor ones. I was missing an ingredient for every other category.

Then I realized I hadn’t farmed in three days. Bad me! :grin:


Sheesh, dude… do you use battle items AT ALL?!? :wink:

I have a fair number of Dragon Bones… not a heavy user of Dragon attack or Time Stop (except last level of Events or maybe the occasional rare quest), so haven’t got anywhere near constrained on that ingredient yet.

Guess my problem is I was a reasonably prolific user of Meteors for a while (before I noticed the midnight roots bottleneck shared with mana potions), and use mana potions a lot in Events.

Grimoire dust and fine steel are my other constraints.

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Roots are used on Mana Potions, Bomb Attack, Revive Scroll, Super Mana Potion…

What to choose?

I’m going on a renewed root gathering journey. Wish me luck!


Those super mana potions are where I typically burn all mine. I’ve spoiled myself to start each Titan attack with juiced up WuKong, just to get a good head start! :grin:

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Just got a root from 22-1. I got 1 root out of 8 battles.

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Yikes! Small sample size, but that’s a brutal return on so many flags.

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I have 175 grimore dust and 100 fine steel and I farm a ton on 13-6 and cannot come up with wood or midnight roots…what gives

I think I saw one or two roots all day, and I completed the monster mission twice with several zones done on top of that. It looks like maybe a 2% drop? About the same as drawing an event hero last event.

I find that the crafting mats are the same as everything else: you’ll have plenty of one thing but can’t do anything with it because you need something else that was deemed “rare”. At what point will I need the 2,200+ of rugged armor or whatever? A little quiz was done of different players in numerous Alliances, and it’s pretty much a guarantee that by the time a player reaches level 40, they’ll have about 18,000 to 20,000 items or more between Ascension & Crafting that’s they do not or cannot use. Yet the hunt will be on for 5-6 mats that actually do get used. It’s remarkably similar to the rare Ascension items. In 7+ months, I have only accumulated 4 Farsight scopes(4*) and 12 shields(3*), but around 80 tall boots(3* as well). And over half of the scopes & shields I bought! They were not received as a reward or earned in rare quests. The game is built this way by design, so that we are overloaded with certain things, but only have a “chance” at the stuff that’s actually needed &/or used frequently. This aspect of the game will not change. There is a lot more involved with it than just an RNG, though that is the response I’ve always come across as an explanation for it. Just food for thought…

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I get one, maybe two midnight roots a day IF I’m lucky, and I never let my energy fill up unless I’m asleep. What does that tell you?

I honestly think you’re better off playing 3-energy levels and getting more rolls at it. I farm 8-7 and 7-4 regularly and it seems like I get plenty of 3* and 4* ingredients. Then again I’m the guy that barely uses them.

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I agree with the 8-7 sentiment…while I can’y say I ever have enough of these, between challenge events I am able to get my items back up to where I need them to be for the event (that’s really only where I use them, though sometimes for grins I just arrow things).