Allience war has stopped till next update. Anyone who knows what will be the changes?

What I see in beta info was related to matchmaking system, which is an improvement. Titan score have nothing to do with wars. But the big problem with wars is the purpose of them. No logs, no leaderboards, no rewards for the amount of time and work you have to do. The format is also way so boring. Make a league format or something to fight for.


I’ve been on the top often, or near top, and all that I ever have received since the very beginning of Alliance Wars… was farmable mats. Not once even an ascension item, or non-farmable, and non-craftable item. How is this fair? We work hard and get rewarded junk! Always! I’ve lost interest in AW, and I probably won’t be participating in Alliance Wars much anymore If any unless things changes! I can’t be bothered wasting my valuable time involving myself in non-lucrative parts of this game. I have much better things to be doing like getting fresh air and enjoying life.


I think they can do away with the beta testers, the public have become the new beta testers now.

I’m assuming people are seeing what they expect to see but can we have the title fixed. Certainly wouldn’t find this thread if I searched for it…

And this is really a wish that I can’t understand. And I mean that I honestly don’t understand it.
If I would want uniformity in play, I’d play chess against myself.

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Not true: The Beta testers actually test new game elements. Regular gamers do not do that.

@LarryLaffer I simply meant that the game goes forward with rules we all more or less agree to (referencing disagreement about the 1 Hero Defense).

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