Alliance wars matching unfair

When a team score is 10,000 above another team. Team one has 27 active members on levels 35 - 20. Team two has 25 members irregularly active on levels are 28 - 17. No one in their right mind can consider that a fair matching. Someone need to check into this.


What are your war scores?

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Kick inactives or tell them to opt out in the future.

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Elite Titan Warriors 57866

Elysian 67705

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I thought this was going to be fixed with this last update. Guess not!

Except for pressing engagements such as hospitalization etc. players should engage in war. Even though we have been out matched we still relish the experience and if we lose it is incentive to grow stronger . I do agree that’s quite a mismatch but sometimes that happens. A couple of wars ago our team leader level 47 was out matched by the top seven players of our competitor. Through participation and strategizing we held toe to toe with them for quite some time .We eventually lost but certainly our much stronger competitor knew we were there. Remember this is a long haul game what goes around usually comes around. Best of luck !

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That is a pretty big gap.

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Already did that. Still real life is first and should be. Nobody has a perfect bubble.

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If you don’t speak up about matches being unfair no one can fix the issue. So this is not a “sometime” thing for our team. It has quickly grown to this big of a gap. It has become a usual thing.

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i’ve just checked, and 57.666 is your Alliance Score, that is not counted in matchmaking.

your War Score is, at the moment, 166890.
now you should look at the one of the other team (I can’t find them)


The biggest problem with AW is that it’s never going to be fun.

You are looking at alliance score, not war score like @UroSecondo said. The alliance score is not used in matchmaking. You also quote levels in your initial post. Levels mean nothing in this game other than how much WE and hero slots you are granted. The only thing that can be considered this far from your post is number of active players and 25 vs. 27 does not seem off. If the top 30 for those 25 is stronger than the top 30 for the 27, the matchmaking is working perfectly. If people don’t fully participate, you have a problem that no algorithm from the developer can fix. Enjoy your war match.

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Our war score is 311000 and our enemy 326000. Does this mean a fair fight? They are stronger and with more players. I think this new matchmaking considering victory’s is not working

You consider that a substantial difference? I mean, did you expect the numbers to match? That is based on each persons top 30. It appears to me that you have an equal match.

Might be an idea to actually fight the war, then see what the results are before considering a match to be poor under a newly updated system. Just a thought.


Did you look at the scores the moment the match was made 24 hrs ago?

Our War scores are less than 200 apart

its meant to take time , not all matches to start will seem fair but being as it is meant to be working on a ladder system of loss v losses being matched etc it should over time even out…
there is no instant fix but most matches should quickly level the field somewhat

That’s fine I’m not worried about it anymore

Please focus all discussion about war matching here: Alliance Wars Matchmaking (Discussion & Developer Response) MASTER