Alliance wars - matching manipulation

Interesting. So it’s effectively a high-variance strategy. If they hit an alliance with all members at about the same level, they can reset the board 2 times, plus their own very weak alliance members can get some extra kills added to that total.

SG actually added in something to the points to reduce the benefit of such a strategy, though.

In the war itself, all teams together are worth 1500 points total, with 500 points being divided between all members equally, and the other 1000 points divided proportional to the total health of each team.

So if an alliance has some teams much weaker than average, and some teams much stronger, you will do best by just repeatedly killing the weak teams,
waiting for them to reset, then killing them again. And again.

If you want to beat swinger teams, here’s what to do:

War start: kill all the weakest teams. Wait 6 hours for them to reset
War start +6 hours: kill all the weakest teams again. Wait 8 hours for them to reset
War start +14 hours: kill all the enemy teams. This will instantly reset the whole board. You will have to use multiple flags and color stacking on the strong enemies.
After the reset: kill all the weak enemy teams one more time

You will get more points than they do if you follow this strategy.

EDIT: This link looks like it provides an alternative that may work too. I’m worried about the early resets being too hard, though.