How tight are you with alliance? How tight does SG wants to keep players tied?

Introducing milestones, which encorages members to reach milestones for GROUP BONUSES!

Upon reaching CERTAIN MILESTONE RATINGS, your alliance gets small gem pack + an offer to buy 300 gems for every member!!!. Same thing happens on certain TIME milestones ( for example : 3 months, 6 months , 12 months of active alliance)

  • TIME milestone : being a member for x days, alliance existing for x days , undefeated war streak x,…
  • CHALLENGE milestone : each member finishing event for rare, epic or legendary setting, each member being top 100.000, each member scoring 70 points on challenge atleast 3 times,…
  • STRONGHOLD milestone : alliance full of alchemy labs, academies, stage 5 upgraded farms,…
  • RAID milestone : each member reached gold, platinum or diamond league, each member went on a 3 win streak in 24 hours,…
  • MiSSIONS milestone : every member completed all 3 missions in 24 hours.
  • TOURNAMENT milestone : for every member bellow 5 % or 1%, reward is bigger.
  • STORY milestone : reach certain stages (bosses and defeat them), every member finish uncommon quest,…
  • HERO milestone : ascend hero to lvl 2,3,4, finish., train troops lvl 10, 15, 20,

This, along my alliance guilds would spice alliance activites quite nicely :slight_smile: What do you think?

While your points are well though out, alliance hopping can be prevented by three simple features :

  1. you are egligable to earn alliance rewards if you are a member of it for atleast x amount of time.
  2. you can earn certain milestones only once
  3. Rewards grow… so doing alliance hopping would be to your detriment.

I believe you are correct, if alliance invites new player, he is excluded from the pool of rewards for a period of time ( lets say 1 month). In that time, any reward alliance achieves, goes to bank of a new alliance member. So old alliance members arent affected by new member

Once he reaches that milestone also, he earns the rewards, but that cannot happen before 1 month (your achievements are saved if you achieve them during 1 month of being non egligable for reward - like for example beating season 1 boss.)

Those achievements stay in your profile, so you joining new alliance and achieving same goals with new alliance wont get you reward, but only your new alliance members :slight_smile:

I would be interested in this feature.

I love the basic, and very heartfelt, notion, but do not like any of these specific ideas.

Overall: By and large, what this means is old and high alliances get a MASSIVE dump of loot/gems, widening the gap between the haves and the have-nots. Sure, you could only start tracking on new achievements, but then the battle space is suddenly going to become ultra-ultra competitive for a while, and who wins that? The long-time players, while the mid-to-early players become punching bags so that the milestones can be earned. On top of that, this sounds extremely exploitable without some very careful thought about maintaining player history. Swapping alliances, starting new alliances, alt and zombie account manipulation would all be rampant if it were not done just so. The fact that Alliance-hopping could help you achieve these goals is only a small side-irony here.

TIME: The best of these, although not the War streak. Here there be Dragons! But directly rewarding time in an alliance seems pretty good.

CHALLENGE, RAID STREAKS, TOURNAMENT: Good basic concepts, but not really milestones per se. Recommend moving these to a separate category concerning “Alliance Loot” or some such. I’d vote for that.

STRONGHOLD, RAID TIER, STORY: All have individual Missions already, and adding them as Alliance missions doesn’t have much value for instilling loyalty, see above.

MISSIONS: Missioning missions? Meh. Not compelling. If a one-time thing, why not just increase the Mission loot? If ongoing, not a Milestone, and presents many problems for those on vacation, etc. Also, coordinating everyone’s Titan Mission seems… difficult and perhaps not worthwhile.

HERO: No. Please, no. If you have high-level Heroes and Troops, these are their own rewards. SGG has actually created a place that has whales but is not overly sensitive to them. Please do not feed the whales.

Great idea, no vote.

While your points are well though out, alliance hopping can be prevented by three simple features :

  1. you are egligable to earn alliance rewards if you are a member of it for atleast x amount of time.
  2. you can earn certain milestones only once
  3. Rewards grow… so doing alliance hopping would be to your detriment.

I do agree, that milestones need to be reevaluated, but the alfa concept is there :slight_smile:

Well, never mind that Alliance-hopping can often be to a sister Alliance, or due to a leader’s inactivity, or other reasons that have nothing to do with loyalty.

But do consider the player who leaves for any reason other than trying to game the system (have kids, got married, changed jobs, lost their job, moved away from internet access, died, etc.):

Does everybody have to start time over again? If so, that’s really hard on 29 people, just because 1 person makes a personal choice. If not, that one person who joins late isn’t really participating.

Does that mean everybody has to wait for the new guy to catch up? If so, Alliances will not want to welcome new people. If not, you just join an Alliance to get the reward and leave again. Once it’s given, it can’t be taken back.

This magnifies the problem. If you can’t get a given Milestone over again, and they increase over time, then that one person leaving can totally destroy an entire Alliance’s chance at a really big reward. Are the later rewards significant? If so, an entire Alliance might quit playing if they are stopped right before a really big reward. If not, what’s it all for?

You gotta be real careful about making 29 people pay for 1 person’s actions. A lost War is bad enough. A year’s worth of work to get a big prize? Hard on the psyche.

Great point, thank you!

I believe you are correct, if alliance invites new player, he is excluded from the pool of rewards for a period of time ( lets say 1 month). In that time, any reward alliance achieves, goes to bank of a new alliance member. So old alliance members arent affected by new member

Once he reaches that milestone also, he earns the rewards, but that cannot happen before 1 month (your achievements are saved if you achieve them during 1 month of being non egligable for reward - like for example beating season 1 boss.)

Those achievements stay in your profile, so you joining new alliance and achieving same goals with new alliance wont get you reward, but only your new alliance members :slight_smile:

Did this solve the issue?