Alliance games

Inside an alliance, it would be great to have “games” in order to boost practice of certain skills. In medieval times, the warriors would be summoned for games and these fetes of skill allowed the leaders to find talents among the troops.

Some examples:

Every participant in the alliance registers for 1 gem a piece…winner takes all gems. The games need to take advantage of normalized conditions. For example:

Highest score in alliance for the rare challenge event

Within a 24 hour period, the highest three cup gains in succession (similar to two in a row in PoV)

Fastest XP increase in 24 hours

Fastest time for a selected map level

Anyway by allowing the leaders to organize these games, it’s a big win for E&P on two fronts…stronger community connections and more ambition to better their heroes and abilities which turns into revenue

For the alliance it serves two purposes: it teaches aspects of the game that are key during the more obvious parts (titans wars and tournaments) but it also provides a means of natural selection without the animosity