Hello E*P players! Although this is a very specific recruitment message, mostly for Albanian players all over the world, everyone is free to join our Alliance!
“Albania nr. 1”, alliance has currently two spots free, but we can make room for 4 or 5 new players, because some of our player have smaller alt accounts. We are a team composed by Albanian players that live in different countries in Europe, and also in Albania, Kosovo and Macedonia. We are currently hitting 9* - 10* titans, and we are very active in wars. So, basically there are three main rules:
- Have a 4,000 or higher TP team (2,000 trophee entry limit) and 5-6 full teams for wars
- Hit the titan if you are online
- Make all war hits, or opt out
We have also a Facebook chat group where we discuss about everything, strategy, sharing screenshots, videos, news etc, and having fun with each other. You just need to try it once and you will not leave the alliance!
If you want to join our Facebook chat group, please send an invitation to ALBANIA nr. 1 (Empires and Puzzles) | Facebook and we will later add you in our group.
Cheers and mirese te vini!