ALASIE has arrived!

And I got very lucky when I pulled her tonight!!!


congrats! how many tries?

1 10x pull…(regular epic hero summons)

I pulled her too! I bought 2 Elemental 10x pulls and got Horghall and another Elk. I was disappointed then I forgot had 1 epic hero token to use and got Valen and then the bonus came up!!!


I saved up 6 free elemental pulls and got her on my 6th pull. But i also got a mother Marjana. My 4th lol.
I also bought enoigh gems to do 3x10 pulls but did not need to use them! CRAZY
Also i noticed the number 1 ranked player in the world has her maxed on there team already! Funny because I’m in bc canada and she just appeared 25 min ago as HOTM.


Arrrgh! I saved 31 summon tokens for her. Dumped them all and did not get her. Sooooo jealous!

One of my alliance members pointed out @JimMe already has her fully leveled!

Jealous! ; )

Granted, I have budget saved for the challenge and will get he then. Grats to you!

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I am very sorry I speak a little English
5x pull and I winer alasia xd


wow JimMe has her maxed already, how much has this kid spent on this game? 5k+?

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I used 16 tokens the stars aligned and there was Alasie!!!


lend your lucky charm to me​:triumph::joy:

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Well… I’m in a unique situation right now that let me do this. I’m currently only feeding troops so I could let all my camps run and not collect them for over a month. I’m bringing my mana troops from 17 to 23 and without cup dropping it’s a slow and painful process.
I had 2 camps at 11, 1 at 2, and one at 14 (food storage). After doing it like this I’ve realized I spent a ton of extra food doing it this way, so this is a one and done for me.


How do you like her at 80? I would love to hear your thoughts, compared to other top tier damage dealers?

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Grats Jim. That was cool! The discussion in my alliance has be how did you do it. Please continue the awesomeness.

She is very comparable to Magni with the exception of her higher defense meaning she is more viable on defense. Magni’s defense is really low and needs his skill to go off so he doesn’t die too fast.
Her skill is a little less than Magni but higher than Joon and her 24% slow mana will help vs Alby or slow skill killers in the corners. I played her in beta and really liked her. The 24% isn’t game changing by any means, but she is on a fast skill and gives you extra time in raids for getting skills up.
2nd best blue behind only Athena is where I spot her, but Magni isn’t far off cause he’s pretty amazing too.


Alright JimMe, I said you could borrow my maxed Alasie for a couple quick raids not keep her. I’m going to need you to give her back.


I have given up on summoning the hotm… waste so much money and saved gems… lvl 35 and still only 1 5* in my roster… sigh

You live in BC?
Me tooooo!!

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Got Alasie on a single10x epic pull. Lucky me!

Problem: I stalled Arthur at 3/70 in case this day would happen. Now, as expected, i can’t figure which one I should spend the 6 telescopes i got on.

Any insights?

Alasie would be the better choice. She is much more versatile than Arthur who is basically a beefed up guardian.
Arthur is fine for me vs 10 stars at 3/70, one day I’ll 80 him, but I can’t do it just for 1 titan and I’m not taking him over Alasie for raids or defense.

Thanks Jim. That’s exactly the kind of answer i was looking for!

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