Sorry for missing this! I’m still actually using him as my main dark hero. Some times he does get taken down, but rarely and I still think he’s absolutely worth it! Obviously, it might also depend who else you have, as well. But, I would still recommend Limit Breaking him and giving him emblems hands down!
I just finished getting him to 4/75 with costume. I jave enjoyed using him for his extra passives. Working on Junaird so his family bonus procs more too.
Just noticed this when i completed the levelling.
Why are these costume stats so weak? Really wasnt worth the materials. These need a buff desperately. No wonder every tourney is rammed with Toons.
They aren’t really weaker. It just happens to be his first costume. Look at the first costumes of all the S1 heroes.
Here’s a S1 4* with one costume bonus (I don’t have more costumes for Melendor) for comparison:
=> Ahhotep’s costume bonus is practically non-existant.
I thought it looked a bit off.
Not putting blems on Ahhotep. Can sit on the bench.
Just feed him away. It’s as good as a tome of experience he won’t get a second costume.
What’s as good as a tome of exp?
Feeding a levelled hero that you won’t use any more and won’t take to SE.
I might have misunderstood,but i thought Ahotep had become useless to you. Im doing that to all my heroes that i once levelled, but who are now just taking up space. Areax, Grace, Ahotep are some good examples.
I didnt think that using a fully levelled hero as a feeder gave any additional XP.
it takes a hero from level 70 to 75 for example. I’ve been doing it for a year roughly.
Thanks for this tip @Samantha7, works awesomely on costumes, 70->75, and 75 straight to 80…
A little less for base hero 70-> 72 though…
Yw! If you use a 5*, it gets you up about to 4.3 roughly. Glad you found this tip useful.