After new updated: Alliance War has became unbalanced & there's bugs/tricks

Yes…we never lose in war before…this last war we lose by 1k points…really?..

You lose 1 war (one!) and you complain? Really?!

Did you read this?


Since the update we lose 2 wars already…And its really big difference on the alliance power…The matchmaking became terrible after the 2 consecutive updates

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Did you read what I wrote about the ladder system? Do you understand how it works? Then maybe try to be a little patient. How do you think the alliances that were losing before felt? Don’t they deserve a chance too?

I got it…thanks for the info…It helps to feel better now

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For us the change is reversed…
We won 2 (!) wars since the introduction and after the chests have been added we won all 3 of them… To our big surprise I may add.

We always have 80% usage of flags, even in the lost battles. Just keep hitting them and learn what you can do with your hero’s. Its free training for raids.

No idea why this big change is happening (we have no players replaced and have the same 30 in our alliance as before).
We know our luck will run out and we will face another loss but winning a war for a change is very pleasant.

The reason: die developers have implemented another adjustment to matchmaking - the newly calibrated Teampower - introducing a ladder system…
This should even out after a few more wars. I am very optimistic at the moment.


We got the same problem. Yes, we won 90% of previous wars, but that doesn’t mean that we have to get unequal opponents. We won some even stronger opponents by tactics, but in last war we got opponent where in averege defensive team- 3500, our alliance- 3100. That’s unwinable. Why we have to lose from the start?

We have like 3-4 loses for the whole time wars started. Had the big streak of victories.

What’s going on with matching rules? We are 267 place and the opponent 26. They have no defenses lower than 4k. We have 5 higher than 4k. Seems absurd

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Our leader thinks of opting out of this war. This way our opponents won’t get any points for “winning”.

  1. Are you (and/or your alliance leader) sure this is how it works? Can you opt out after getting an enemy?

  2. Seems lika a [bad] move. Why punish them? (If 1 is valid.) It’s not their fault you don’t want to fight them (for whatever reason).


In order to fight the odds should be somewhat more fair. We are no talking about real life where zeal and passion sometimes work miracles. Here’s the game of numbers. Whatever luck one might have 4000 is still more than 3500. 4000 x24 is more that 3500 x24. Not to mention the team depth. Thus I consider it to be a BUG this is why my post here

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That is lame. Our alliance fought teams where their lower team were higher thaan 70% of ours. Was not aware that one just plays if winning is certain. And they are not enemies, but fellow players.

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Was that a top-30 alliance? have you ever been that high? I have

My comment wasn’t about the fairness of the matchmaker, but you(r alliance thinking of) deliberatly causing another team - which didn’t chose you as an opponent - to not get any points.

Edit: And either way - you’ll not get any other matchup for this round, so why opt out? Even if you think you’ll lose - see it as a way to gather experience. Try out tactics. Try out weird team compositions. At worst, you’ll get 1 point. Hopefully SG will get the matchmaker to work better, and I really get the frustration getting mis-matched, but I think it would be a good idea to give SG and the matchmaker something to work with. That includes identifying and pointing out mis-matches. Next time you’ll maybe be mis-matched with a weaker team, do you want them to opt out and cause you to not be able to fill your AW chest? (If that’s how it works - sounds odd.)


For the game to be fun to both sides not only the one suffering from bad matching should complain. If the other suffers a ZERO warpoints result perhaps it will force it to post here as well.

Yeah, they’ll complain about getting 0 points, which SG will fix by giving alliances like that a 5 point win on walk-over when enemy team opts out. Happy now?

Did you read the post below above?

Maybe this entire side of the disussion is pointless. Does anybody know if it’s possible to opt-out of a war after matchmaking, and if so - what happens then? I think it would be odd being able to ‘leave’ a war. I just assumed the opt-out was only related to the matchmaker process, i.e. you can only opt out before matchup.

If you read up you will see that some, including myself, complained of wining by mismatch the past 2 wars

Winning a war suppose to be a team efforts and participation not bullying some poor Alliance which is impossible to defeat you.

Losing a war is a way to improve yourself to play better next war. With an average TP 2300 - 3600 vs 2600 - 4000. There’s nothing to learn except levelling your heroes. Every 3500 - 4000 can defeat at least 2 of my Alliance members. Where we need at least 3-5 attacks to defeat 1x 3500… They have at least 10 players above 3500.

Matchmaking should be reasonable to up against an Alliance which you can defeat with strategy and 6 attacks from every players. Not to be a punching bag!

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