Aethers and Mats Offers - February 2022 (and beyond?)

Date : 4 April 2022
Offer : SpringVale D15
Price : $14.98 / $44.98

OFFER 1 $14.98

10 WE flasks = 1000 gems
Price of 1000 gems @S$1.48 per 200 gems = S$7.40
Price for 100 loot tix = $7.58
Price per loot tix = $0.0758

OFFER 2 $44.98

Tome = $8.50
2x 3AM = $3.00
Price for AM = $11.50
Price for Gem & Gem Equivalents = $33.48

Gem & Gem Equivalents
EHT 2x = 600 gems
ETT 3x = 480 gems
Gems = 2000
Total gem value = 3880 = $33.48
Price for 3880 gems from Shop = $55.76
Discount 40%
