I suppose I should be happy with a S2 5* pull, but out of all of them, this was the the one I wanted the least :(. In any case, I was working on Aeron and do have the tabards to level 1 dark hero. Still no HOTM either so do I continue my work on Aeron (2-25) or switch over to Mok-Arr? My other maxed purples are Sartana, Rigard, Tibs and Sabina.
I find Mok-Arr quite underwhelming so would continue working on Aeron. Mok-Arr is potentially useful as a 3rd or 4th purple 5* to use in a 5-0 or 4-1 stack.
The shark reminds me of weapons designed by villians in a James Bond (Sean Connery version) movie. Feel like I should look for def team with one so I can set it off.
I think Aeron is better. He’s saves from ailments to himself and nearby allies. So many top-players have Guinevere in center, Zeline and Gravemaker or Hel near her or Hel, that dark Aeron is really required. And also he’s only one dark 5* healer. You can raise Aeron and Mok up to 3/70 and wait for new event for example